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I clutched tighter to the girl in my arms. I did not like the way he was looking at me. Sure I expected some level of animosity as I was a stranger that suddenly started to date his sister. From what I know about him he had been playing the role of parental figure in their lives as well. He was not really all that good at it but he was the only one who tried.

So I was expecting a level of anger as I was effectively making moves on his pseudo daughter. That was not the emotions that I was reading from him. The anger was certainly there but there was a hint of possessiveness in his eyes that had my hackles standing up.

The look on his face was one that I wore often when Lily introduced me to some new friend of hers. The only saving grace of this situation was that he was not directing lust filled glances at her. Still, it was too early to tell if he would do so later. He had his gaze concentrated on me at the moment after all

I wanted to glare back at him. To show him that while he was her brother Ashley was mine. That no matter what happened I was not going to be the one to let go of her. I refrained from doing so as initiating any sort of conflict was a rash move. I did not have a perfect reading on this situation and I might be misreading it.

My own insecurities would dye my perception of this interaction. There was no escaping that. I was rational enough to admit that I came into this situation viewing him in a negative light. I might be in the right in regards to those views but that had yet to be determined.

I might have tightened my grip on Ashley but she did not seem to mind. Her own grip on me was not something a normal person could fight against. She was putting a lot of strength into her hug. I wonder if she was doing that on purpose or if she was just overly excited at seeing me once more.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Ashley.” I looked away from her brother and looked down at the girl who was buried in my chest. Hearing my voice she looked up and I felt my heart pound in my chest. Her pink eyes glowed in an enchanting way and I felt my lips dry. I wanted nothing more than to give in to my desire and place a searing kiss on her.

I was willing to bet that she was feeling the same as her eyes dilated when matching my own gaze. I stopped myself from giving in to that desire as we were currently in front of her brother. I wanted to at least give the guy a chance at changing my mind. Making out in front of him was not the way to go if I wanted to accomplish that feat.

“Of course it is.” She smiled up at me with a smug smile. I chuckled and felt the urge to mess with this little gremlin. I let go of her which brought a pout to her face. I rolled my eyes and motioned to her brother.

She latched onto my arm instead of pulling off the full hug. She then gestured towards Andrew.

“That’s Andy. Andy this is mister magic man himself Prince.” She announced excitedly with a blinding smile on her face. Her brother looked over at us with a strained smile on his face. A smile that I mirrored as he was not making it easy to get along with him.

“Severus Prince at your service.” I spoke out to the quiet boy and offered him my hand to shake. He grimaced before taking my hand to shake. He put a fair amount of force in his grip but not anything that impressive. I was a superhuman beast and he was a recently starved boy who had only just recovered his strength.

I wanted to roll my eyes at the action but I just accepted it for what it was.

“Andrew Graves.” He spoke out lowly. He was being rather moody but that was again something I expected. The more I looked at him the more I saw myself in him. It caused my eyes to twitch slightly. It was not just the way he was acting we shared similar features. Both of us were black haired pale men that were used to throwing grimaces at people.

I was wondering if he was also a misanthrope. I could now understand why so many people thought me and Ashley were siblings beyond her attachment and her username. There were some differences between us. His hair was a fair bit fluffier than mine. I had him beat in height and I put on a fair amount of muscle mass by this point.

“Ashley has told me nothing but good things about you.” I forced out a fake smile at the man before me. I was lying, she did say a lot of things that she thought were good points about her brother. They did not sound that good to me, not just because anything good would be bad for me. Andrew had been a pillar for Ashley but he was never capable of really telling her that he was there for her. The chains that bound them together were of Ashley’s creation.

The guilt that weighed on his mind never really allowed the guy to speak out about how he felt. He was just as broken as Ashley was but she was the one that did that to him instead of their parents. He clearly cared for her but there was an undercurrent of resentment in all of his actions.

It meant that their relationship was doomed for failure if they did not solve it. There was zero trust between them just paranoid obsessive thoughts. Neither wanting to accept the people in front of them nor wanting to leave the people in front of them. A contradiction that defined every interaction in their life.

“ I wish she told me things about you. All I know is you sent us things.” Andrew spoke out tiredly the glare fading slightly. 

“Well, I am more than willing to tell you things about myself.” I spoke out blandly. If him knowing more about me would allow him to chill the fuck out then I was more than willing to tell him my backstory.

“I’ll take you up on that.” Andrew spoke out blandly. Again I felt my eyes twitch. He did not sound all that enthusiastic about knowing more about me. He then looked me dead in the eye with a withering look.

“How exactly did you and Ashley get together?” Andrew questioned in a strained manner. His face was contorted and tight. It was a rather simple question but I was not sure if he really wanted to know.

“The mission that we went on was in a game. We were trapped in there for a rather long time. Being so close together for so long had us bonding. She then made the first move and sealed the deal between us.” I rubbed the back of my head as I spoke of what happened. I left out a fair amount of what went down but that was the gist. I was sure that he did not want to know about my difficulties accepting that she did in fact like me.

Andrew looked over at me with suspicion clear on his face. I could not really blame him for it. As a wizard, I could have done something that had Ashley lusting after me. I could have manipulated her into this relationship. I did not but he did not know that.

The possessiveness that I saw in his eyes was gone. I was not sure if I was seeing things but it no longer lingered in his eyes. The concern and anger that remained were far more reassuring for me.

All of us chatted about the mission that we took part in. I did most of the talking but Ashley did chime in when she had something she wanted to add. Like her gaining another friend in the game who was also a part of the Chat Group. The fact that Ashley now had a female friend threw Andrew through a loop.

Ashley stayed glued to me the entire time, which did not decrease Andrews's anger but she clearly did not care about that. The display of affection in the face of her brother really did wonders for my own mood. It meant that no matter how this conversation played out I was not that worried about what would happen between us.

“Prince gets to do all the cool shit, while we are stuck here.” Ashley pouted as she lounged over me. Again the sight had Andrew twitching but he seemed to be adjusting to the sight.

“Being trapped here is not doing me any good either.” Andrew muttered under his breath as he looked longingly out the window. I perked up at hearing that. The only reason I recommended that they stay put was because a murder spree would have people hunting them down. With me here murder was no longer the only way they could escape here.

“If you guys are feeling that stir crazy, I can help you settle whatever is going on here.” I spoke out softly gathering both of their attention. Ashley whipped around so her face was inches from mine and Andrew jumped up from his seat.

“Do it. Do it. Get us out of here!” Ashley chanted inches from my face. I picked her up and dropped her away from me. The excited yelling in my face was not pleasant.

I did not plan on spending this day helping the siblings settle whatever bullshit was happening to them. My initial plan was to have an awkward conversation with her brother. Then spending the rest of my time cuddling with her and fucking the shit out of her.

I did not mind taking care of this. It would give Ashley some closure and I kind of wanted to fuck with the company that had harmed my girlfriend so deeply. Andrew’s own hopeful look gave me another reason to do this. I might never be on his good side but I could knock off some of the negative notions he had of me.

Before I could say anything a loud voice came from the front door.

“Have you guys croaked yet!?” The booming voice questioned. I saw a dark look flash on both of the siblings' faces. Ashley vibrated in place clearly wanting to do something and Andrew tensed up as if he was stopping himself from blowing up.

Clearly that dick head was causing them a lot more pain than I thought.

“Well, the timing on this could not be better.” I spoke out loud. The vibrating that came from Ashley stopped but Andrew remained frozen.

I snapped my finger and the door morphed into a small puppy. Behind the door was a wooden plank that was supposed to keep the door closed. In front of the now useless plank was a portly man. He wore a grey cap and was dressed in what you would expect from a security guard.

He was standing there with his mouth hanging open in shock. The sudden events breaking his fragile world view. Before he could shout or do anything that would draw attention I stunned him. He then fell over and slammed his face into the ground.

I looked over at the two siblings. Ashley had a shark like smile on her face. Andrew was looking at the guard like he was a dead man. I was slightly surprised by that. From what I could gather the guy had a somewhat functioning moral compass. I suppose that anyone could be pushed to killing after they were pushed to the brink.

Starving was probably one of the worst ways to go. From what Ashley told me about the guard he mocked them with his comments constantly. I was going to have to talk him out of murdering the guard. Not because I objected to his death but because I wanted to inflict as much punishment as I could to the dick head.

He was the one that threatened Ashley’s life after all. I would not be satisfied till his organs slowly melted from his frame.


On a roll, probably the last one of the day going to sleep.


joshua foster

Though thanks for the chapter but please do everyone a favor and focus on more then Ashley like I said she’s the least interesting the least intelligent and pretty bad for are guy snape considering his morality need a lot of work and Ashley will not help with that

joshua foster

What’s worse is Ashley isn’t even a big titted goth girl