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Aster left his room after getting dressed. He may not have any reason to be embarrassed about his body being seen but he did not want to stay in that room. Phill dragged that girl to their room for a reason. Aster learned that lesson a long time ago.

He did not want to stick around as they messily made out or god forbid they actually fucked with him around. The girl Katie clearly wanted to explore more of Aster’s body judging from her lust filled glance. She was certainly attractive enough that Aster was willing to mess around with her. The problem was that Aster did not want to fuck someone with Phill of all people.

That guy was a dick head and Aster lost whatever lust he was building at the thought of it. Sure Katie was a smoke show but definitely not worth being within spitting distance with Phill.

Katie’s attractiveness did bring up another thing he had to think about. If his system only responded to attractive girls then Katie should have triggered it. Yet, it remained just as silent as it was before. So that was probably not the criteria to select a target.

Sure Katie was not as attractive as Barbara but she was certainly still really fucking hot. She was just not the twelve out of ten that Barbara was. Again he was operating off of too little data but he was almost certain that attractiveness was not the defining trait for his system.

The name of the thing brought to mind a more innocent representation. His job was to confess not to screw as many bombshells as he could find. So the system was more inclined to something more genuine or it would have been something like the seduction system.

Did he have to genuinely feel attracted to the girl that he had to confess to? That did not fit as well as he was certainly attracted to Katie. No, maybe it had to do with something more about actually liking the person as well, a person. Aster certainly thought Barbara was a likable person. Probably one of the only good people left in Gotham.

She was kind to everyone and their mothers. She strived to do her very best in everything she did. She had a razor sharp mind that was impressive. She was a morally right person in a sea of degenerates. She was also utterly and completely attractive.

If Aster had a choice about who he would love she would certainly fit his admittedly low standards. Yet he would have felt that way about a lot of other people throughout his life. So this system should have been activated a long time ago.

So what made Barbara so god damn special? Thoughts like this were going to drive him crazy. He was given the tools to the kingdom but was left without a guide. If he knew all the rules that made this thing tick he could game the system. Why bother being bound as he was when he could have everything the world offered?

Aster was being far too hasty with his plans. Sure this thing was offering him the world on a platter but he could afford to take it slow. He could spend the next decade confessing to Barbara and raking in rewards every day.

He was only so desperate for growth because of his situation. He did not have the luxuries that others could enjoy. Hell, he did not even have a place to call his own. The dorm was where he lived and kept all of his limited belongings.

To have a place that he could finally relax in would be a god send. A phone would be nice as well. He was certainly jealous of all the things he saw other people doing with them. Having a steady stream of food instead of relying on whatever he could scramble together would be amazing. All these little things built from his lack of wealth bothered him.

They had to bother him. So being given an opportunity to change his circumstances was amazing. He was given a chance and he wanted to run to the finish line this very instant.

He was not going to give up on figuring this thing out but he was willing to calm down. So he wandered around the school campus as he did not want to be back at his dorm right now.

After Phill did whatever he was planning they would probably vacate their room and go party. Leaving Aster to rest peacefully for the night. So he just had to kill time until that happened.

Thus the exploring of the school campus. This place was a pompous prissy prep school so the facilities were actually really fucking good. A gym that Aster would have to pay hundreds to use in any other place. Fully stocked with whatever device you would need to build muscle.

Aster usually never stepped foot in the place. He just did not have the energy to burn to actually exercise. He had to spend far too much time studying if he wanted to make something of him self. So instead of bulking up, he remained the stick that he was before.

That was no longer an issue as he was given a gift far beyond comprehension. The things his body could do now were insane. To be peak human in every aspect was a ludicrous concept. Yet, the system gave him something that ridiculous just for being rejected.

He did not care what the world thought about his actions. If the rewards were this sweet he was willing to be rejected a million times.

Beyond the state of the art gym the sports fields were just as impressive. A climbing wall that was frankly rather ridiculous. The twists and turns on that thing had him doubting his life sometimes. No one used the ridiculous thing but it was still there for everyone to use.

A swimming pool that rivaled the size of the Olympic ones. An obstacle course that would have no problems being used in some sort of reality show. They even had an archery field set up with some crazy targets.

There were more regular activities as well. The football field was amazing and was used often. Apparently tackling each other was a rather popular past time for teenagers, who knew? The Soccer field saw less use but was just as impressive with grass that was so green he doubted other regular fields.

Than we had the last thing that Aster inspected for today. The basketball court. There were two of them one outdoor and one indoor. The outdoor one was impressive but the indoor one was his goal.

There were some other teenagers playing around here but he did not care. He wanted to get more used to using his new physique and he decided this was the best bet. He collected one of the many basketballs and got a feel for it.

The feeling of the ball in his hand was something that he never really thought about before. He could feel every last detail of the ball in his hands. As he shifted the weight of the thing around his hand he had a perfect feeling of every last muscle in his dextrous fingers.

He started to move the ball around his hands seeing how far that control went. He could have the ball rolling around in any which way he wanted. The ball could rest on the very tips of his fingers and he could find the balance in an instant.

He started to roll the ball around his body. To others it must have looked like the ball was some how attracted to his body through some sort of force as it traveled over him. The truth was he was moving his body in rather subtle ways to achieve the effect.

He did it faster and faster but eventually ended that. The amount of control he had over the ball and himself was absurd.

He could tell that to be true as he looked around. Some of those kids playing around were watching him as he did his thing. One of them was even recording him on his cell.

“Shit man you got to teach me your moves dude.” A scraggly boy spoke out with a bright friendly smile on his face. That fucking look sent all sorts of chills down Aster’s spine.

Aster got that what he did was impressive but no one fucking smiled at you for no reason. This was Gotham not fucking Metropolis. That might have been harsh but it had worked for Aster so far.

So Aster just gave the guy a wary look. The teenager’s smile tightened but he continued to give it. Which again freaked Aster out.

“It’s not really that impressive, do you want anything else?” Aster spoke out slowly as he clutched the ball in his hand. He might have to use his new found strength to get his ass out of a troublesome scenario.

“Hey man, relax. I just wanted to exchange some tricks my guy.” The boy looked over at Aster with a disarming smile. Yet, there was a glint in his eyes that Aster did not like.

“I don’t really have anything I could teach you.” Aster spoke out blandly as he looked over at the guy and his friends.

The guy just rolled his eyes at Aster.

“Fine, you looking to play a game of pickup?” The boy asked out in a strained manner. Why was he being so persistent? He had to know by this point that Aster wanted nothing to do with him. Yet, he was continuing his little weird approach.

Aster looked over at the guy and contemplated for a second. He then realized what this might be about.

“I got no money, I’m an orphan.” Aster spoke out blandly and the dude froze. People bet on games all the time. This guy was looking for an easy mark. Sure what Aster did looked impressive but it was all show. Something like that would be irrelevant in a real game.

The guy just had to inflate Aster’s ego and trash him for all Aster was worth. It was not as bad as Aster thought but not something he wanted to get involved in. His scholarship was based off of some pretty strict regulations. Illegally gambling could have his ass thrown out.

He was not in a secure enough position that something like that would be okay. The boy and his friends scoffed and walked away after Aster’s statement.

He could have been misreading the situation but he did not want to take the risk. He did not need to do something like that after all.

Aster just continued to practice with the ball. He did not know much about Basketball but he could learn those things. Getting a handle on the ball was more important in the moment.

He dribbled the ball in increasingly complex maneuvers relying heavily on his natural balance and flexibility. Once he had a fairly good handle on that he started to increase speeds.

Pretty soon he was handling the ball at nearly blinding speeds. It got so bad that someone could assume he had the ball at two separate locations at the same time. After he reached that level he paused as he realized he did not even break a sweat doing that.

Again he appeared to have gathered some more looks and whispered talks. Another recording of his actions but that was fine. He wanted to increase his fame after all. Fame and money were what he was after.

Aster then froze as he considered something he was ignoring. Right now he was completely human and had no drugs in his system. So if they tested him he should not turn up anything out of the ordinary but this world had superhumans.

He might become one of them later. So was star athlete really the path he should be taking? How much could the public accept before fingers started getting pointed? Sure he was fine now but what about later?

With that thought, he put away the ball and ignored the whispers. His system was going to give him more opportunities but having this one cut off hurt.

He thought things were going to change after all.


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