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After a month filled with intense and passionate encounters, the fusion between Illya and Lancer Artoria began to unravel. Their merged existence, once a source of empowerment and ecstasy, now teetered on the brink of dissolution. As the bond between them weakened, Illya felt a profound sense of loss and emptiness creeping into her soul.

With a sudden and jarring separation, Lancer Artoria's spirit origin vanished, leaving Illya alone with her childlike body once more. The sensations of their shared experiences lingered like fading echoes, haunting Illya's thoughts and memories. In the absence of her merged counterpart, Illya found herself grappling with a newfound vulnerability—a stark reminder of the fragility of her desires and the transient nature of her fantasies.

Despite the longing to once again experience the pleasures of an adult body, Illya knew that it was impossible with her underdeveloped form. Yet, instead of feeling guilt or remorse over the disappearance of Lancer Artoria's spirit origin, Illya felt a surge of determination coursing through her veins. She saw it as an opportunity—a chance to seek out a new target, to absorb another heroic spirit into her being and satisfy her insatiable hunger for power and pleasure.


As I wandered through the corridors of Chaldea, my senses tingled with anticipation. Among the myriad of heroic spirits that filled the air, one presence stood out—a familiar yet formidable energy that stirred a sense of recognition deep within me.

As I stood before Tiamat, her presence looming large yet strangely alluring, my thoughts strayed from her overwhelming power to the tantalizing possibilities her body held. The prospect of merging with such a primal being stirred a hunger within me—a desire not just for dominion, but for the exquisite pleasures of the flesh that I had tasted in my fusion with Artoria Lancer.

Memories of that union flooded my mind, the sensations of ecstasy and pleasure still fresh in my memory. It was a forbidden delight, one that awakened a hunger within me—a hunger that now yearned to be sated by the divine form of Tiamat herself.

But as I reached out to initiate the fusion, I found myself met with a barrier I could not overcome. Tiamat's power was too vast, too incomprehensible for my own meager reserves to breach. Frustration gnawed at my insides, mingling with a sense of desperation as I realized the limits of my own abilities.

It was then that Ruby, ever the voice of reason in times of crisis, suggested an alternative course of action. With the power of the Grail at my disposal and the vessel of my mother's body to channel it, I might yet stand a chance of merging with Tiamat. It was a risky gambit, fraught with danger and uncertainty, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

And so, with Ruby's guidance and my own resolve driving me forward, I set about preparing for the ritual that would see me take possession of Irisviel's body. The stakes were higher than ever, but the allure of ultimate power—and the promise of fulfillment beyond my wildest dreams—beckoned me onward, driving me to pursue my destiny at any cost.

As I prepared to embark on the daring ritual of possession, my mind swirled with a heady mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The air crackled with latent energy as I focused my thoughts on Irisviel von Einzbern, my beloved mother, whose body would soon become my vessel.

With a sense of reverence and longing, I reached out to touch her form, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath my fingertips. It was a surreal moment, the culmination of a plan born from desperation and desire, and yet it felt strangely inevitable—as though this was always meant to be my destiny.

As I closed my eyes and began to channel my energy, I felt a surge of power coursing through me, intertwining with the essence of my mother's being. It was an intimate connection, one that transcended the physical boundaries of our bodies and touched upon the very essence of our souls.

With each passing moment, the bond between us grew stronger, until finally, I felt myself slipping into her body like a silk glove, the sensation at once exhilarating and overwhelming. It was as though I was being enveloped by a warm embrace, cocooned in a cocoon of pure sensation and pleasure.

As I settled into my new vessel, I felt a rush of memories flooding my mind—memories of Irisviel's life, her experiences, her joys and sorrows. I saw glimpses of her past, of her love for Kiritsugu Emiya, and the bittersweet moments they shared together.

But amidst the tender memories, there was one that stood out above all others—a memory of passion and ecstasy, of two souls entwined in a fiery embrace. It was a memory of Irisviel and Kiritsugu, lost in the throes of passion, their bodies merging in a dance of desire and longing.

As I relived the memory, I felt a surge of arousal coursing through me, my senses ablaze with the intensity of their passion. It was a forbidden delight, one that stirred a hunger within me—a hunger for the pleasures of the flesh, for the ecstasy of physical union.

And as I delved deeper into Irisviel's memories, I saw visions of a parallel universe, where she and Kiritsugu had conceived a child—a child who bore a striking resemblance to myself. It was a revelation that filled me with a sense of awe and wonder, the realization that I was not just a product of their love, but a living embodiment of their desires.

As I delved deeper into Irisviel's memories, I encountered unexpected resistance—a subtle yet palpable rejection that emanated from the very core of her being. It was as though her soul recoiled at the intrusion, instinctively rejecting the foreign presence that sought to inhabit her body.

Frustration gnawed at me, mingling with a sense of desperation as I realized the gravity of the situation. My mother's soul was fighting back, resisting my attempts to possess her body. With each passing moment, the barriers grew stronger, threatening to repel me entirely and leave me adrift in the void.

Desperate for a solution, I turned my thoughts inward, searching for a way to overcome this formidable obstacle. It was then that a daring idea began to take shape—a radical course of action born of necessity and driven by the primal instincts that pulsed within me.

With a steely resolve, I made the decision to surrender myself completely to the sensations of pleasure and desire that enveloped me, to lose myself in the ecstasy of the moment and embrace the raw power that surged through Irisviel's body. It was a risky gambit, fraught with danger and uncertainty, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

And so, with a sense of reckless abandon, I threw myself into the throes of passion, allowing the primal urges that coursed through me to guide my actions. With each caress, each whispered sigh, I felt the barriers between us begin to crumble, the resistance melting away in the heat of our shared desire.

In that moment of surrender, I felt a profound sense of liberation wash over me, a freedom born of relinquishing control to the primal forces that governed our desires. It was a fleeting glimpse of ecstasy, a taste of the divine that left me craving more, hungering for the ultimate release that awaited me on the other side.

And as I surrendered myself to the rapture of the moment, I felt a surge of energy building within me, a raw power that pulsed with the intensity of a supernova. It was the culmination of my desires, the manifestation of my deepest yearnings—the key to unlocking the true potential that lay dormant within me.

As I surrendered to the overwhelming tide of sensation, I felt a profound shift occurring within me—a merging of souls, a blending of identities that transcended the boundaries of flesh and blood. With each passing moment, I could feel Irisviel's essence intertwining with my own, her soul becoming one with mine as our energies merged and mingled in a symphony of ecstasy.

And as our spirits entwined, a transformation began to take shape—a metamorphosis that altered the very fabric of Irisviel's being, shaping her body to mirror the essence of my own. I watched in awe as her features shifted and contorted, her once delicate form now infused with the raw power and sensuality of my own presence.

Her hair, once a cascade of silver locks, now took on a hue more akin to my own, shimmering in the dim light, cascading down her back in a wild mane of fiery passion. Her eyes, once pools of crimson red, now glowed with an otherworldly intensity, their depths reflecting the boundless depths of my own desires.

But it was her face that underwent the most profound transformation, her features softening and elongating to mirror the delicate contours of my own visage. The lines of her jaw softened, her lips plumping and parting in a silent gasp of pleasure as she surrendered herself to the ecstasy of our shared union.

As the fusion deepened, a subtle yet profound change began to manifest within Irisviel's body as well. The once-flat expanse of my own youthful form collided with the fuller curves of Irisviel's more mature figure, resulting in a transformation that defied expectations and exceeded imagination.

At first, the sensation was subtle—a faint tingling that rippled across our shared consciousness, a whisper of change that teased at the edges of perception. But as our spirits merged more completely, the transformation intensified, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through every fiber of my being—a tantalizing blend of innocence and maturity, of youthfulness and sensuality that defied easy categorization.

The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced—a heady mix of pleasure and exhilaration that left me breathless and yearning for more. With each passing moment, I felt myself drawn deeper into the throes of ecstasy, surrendering myself to the intoxicating allure of our shared transformation.

And as the last vestiges of Irisviel's former self slipped away, replaced by the radiant glow of our merged essence, I knew that something extraordinary had occurred. In the crucible of our fusion, two disparate souls had become one, forging a new identity that transcended the limitations of our individual forms.

With a sense of wonder and exhilaration, I reveled in the newfound power and beauty that coursed through me—a testament to the boundless potential of our shared destiny. Having merged with Irisviel's body, I felt the subtle shifts as her features blended with mine, creating a synthesis of our essences. No longer just Illya or Irisviel, I embodied something greater, something more—a being on the cusp of divine transformation.

As her consciousness slipped away, retreating into the recesses of my mind to slumber for eternity, I felt a surge of triumph. With Irisviel's body now under my control, I possessed the vessel necessary to absorb Tiamat's essence. Moreover, thanks to Irisviel's inherent properties as Heaven's Dress, I knew that I could absorb any woman without encountering the usual barriers of magical or mental resistance. This meant that I would have unrestricted access to a plethora of different bodies, each offering unique sensations and pleasures to explore and enjoy.

With this newfound ability, I looked forward to indulging in the diverse array of pleasures that awaited me. From the delicate touch of a maiden to the fiery passion of a sorceress, I would revel in the myriad sensations that each encounter would bring, experiencing the ultimate fulfillment of my desires in ways I had never before imagined.

With a sense of triumph and exhilaration, I embraced my newfound potential, eager to embark on a journey of exploration and pleasure unlike any other. As a goddess incarnate, I looked forward to basking in the ecstasy of my divine existence, savoring every moment of the sensual delights that awaited me. Yet, amidst the myriad pleasures that beckoned, one desire burned brighter than all others—a longing to become one with Tiamat, to merge our essences in a union of unparalleled power and ecstasy. With Irisviel's body as my vessel, I knew that the path to realizing this desire lay before me, ready to be traversed with unwavering determination and boundless passion.


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