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In the small town of Silver Ville, teenage witch Lily seeks to stand out. Resorting to forbidden magic, she possesses the body of a woman, discovering newfound desires and confidence. As she embraces her true self, Lily becomes the Sorceress of Silver Ville, defying expectations and embracing her destiny.


In the small town of Silver Ville, Lily a teenage witch has always felt like an outsider. She has always kept her true identity hidden from those around her. However, after years of feeling invisible to the boys in her school, Lily's frustration reaches a boiling point.

Lily, trembling, stands in front of the mirror in her dimly lit room, with a sense of determination in her eyes.

Lily (whispering to herself): It's now or never. I can't keep feeling like this. My body is still that of a child and nobody wants to be with a child as their partner. Arghhh!

She takes a deep breath and begins to chant the ancient spell passed down through her family.

Lily (chants): Spirit, guide my soul. Grant me the power to transcend the limitation of flesh.

As the incantation reaches its climax, Lily feels her soul separating from her body, a rush of exhilaration flooding her senses.

Lily: (thoughts racing) This is it. I can finally find someone that can change the way everyone feel about me.

She ventures out into the night, her spirit form gliding through the shadows until she spots her target—a stunning woman with curves that make Lily's heart race.

Lily: (voice echoing softly in her mind) She should be perfect for my plan.

With a surge of determination, Lily's soul merges with the woman's body, their essences intertwining in a whirlwind of sensation.

Lily (now inside the woman's body): gasping, feeling the woman's curves Oh, this body... it's pretty big, just like I expected. She really has everything I needed. Bigger breasts, tall height and big butt.

As Lily revels in the sensations of her new body, she feels a surge of desire coursing through her veins, igniting a fire within her.

Lily (now inside the woman's body): with a seductive smirk forming on her lips Well, well, what do we have here?

She runs her hands provocatively over her new figure, teasing and exploring every curve with newfound confidence. Amidst her exploration, she stumbles upon memories embedded within the woman's mind, revealing her identity.

Lily (now inside the woman's body): surprised Samantha... so that's who you are. Hmm, you work as hostess in a bar and sometimes even sell your body for some bucks. Lucky you. Here I can't even find my love of my life and you on the other hand already have been enjoying your life with these assets of yours. I'm so envious.

With newfound knowledge of Samantha's life, Lily begins to piece together her own plans.

Lily (now inside the woman's body): seductive smile appears on her face But fear not Samantha, your body going to be in good hands now, I'll be able to finally stand out at school. I just need to hurry back home and use the second spell as soon as possible.

After the exhilarating experience of possessing Samantha's body, Lily returns home, her mind buzzing with newfound possibilities. She sits on her bed, her heart racing with anticipation, and gazes at the reflection in the mirror, now seeing Samantha's face staring back at her.

Lily (in Samantha's body): (running her hands over Samantha's curves, examining her new form) This body... it's like a work of art. So different from my own.

As Lily admires her new appearance, a sense of excitement courses through her veins. But deep down, she knows that her true self lies dormant, waiting to be reclaimed.

Lily (in Samantha's body): (determined) It's time to take control of my destiny.

With resolve burning in her eyes, Lily retrieves the ancient grimoire hidden beneath her bed—the same book that holds the forbidden spells of her ancestors. Flipping through its pages, she finds the incantation she seeks, a spell of transformation that will allow her to turn her own body into a mere vessel, a skinsuit to be worn at will.

Lily (in Samantha's body chants): Essence of self, I call to thee. Grant me the power to shed my skin, to become one with another, and to don my true form at whim.

As the words leave her lips, a surge of energy fills the room, enveloping Lily's original body in a shimmering aura. She watches in awe as her own skin begins to shift and warp, transforming into a malleable sheath, ready to be inhabited.

Lily (in Samantha's body): (smirking triumphantly) Perfect.

With a newfound sense of liberation, Lily steps forward and attempts to slip into her own body. But as she tries to merge with her original form, she realizes the stark contrast in size between Samantha's voluptuous frame and her own petite figure.

Lily (in Samantha's body): (struggling) It's... too small.

She grits her teeth, determination fueling her efforts as she gradually eases Samantha's body into her own, inch by agonizing inch. The sensation is surreal, as if she's trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, her skin stretching and contorting with each movement.

Lily (in Samantha's body): (grunting with exertion) Almost... there.

Finally, with one last push, Lily manages to fully inhabit her original body. But as she settles into her own skin, she feels a strange sensation—a tingling warmth spreading from within, as if her body is stretching and expanding to accommodate its new inhabitant.

Lily (in her own body): (breathless, feeling her childlike form growing) Oh... It is happening! This is what I wanted.

She watches in awe as her limbs lengthen, her curves filling out with newfound vitality. It's as if Samantha's body is imprinting itself onto her own, transforming her into a fusion of their two selves.

Lily (in her own body): (voice trembling with awe) I... I feel... more like an adult now.

Lily revels in the transformation of her body, her senses alive with the tingling sensation of her form expanding and maturing. With Samantha's essence now fused with her own, she feels a newfound confidence coursing through her veins, a desire to explore every facet of her upgraded, adult-like body.

Lily (in her own body): (breathless, feeling her childlike form growing) Yes... yes, this is what I wanted.

Running her hands over her newfound curves, Lily traces her fingers along her breasts, feeling the softness and fullness beneath her touch. She savors the sensation, a moan escaping her lips as she explores the wonders of her transformed body.

Lily (in her own body): (voice trembling with desire) Oh... it feels like relearning every inch of myself. Savoring every sensation.

Lily's mind delves into Samantha's memories, seeking guidance on how to indulge in the sensations of her matured physique. She recalls moments of intimacy and passion Samantha had shared with her clients and friends with benefits while working as a hostess, moments that ignite a fire within her, urging her to experience the same ecstasy for herself.

Lily (in her own body): (whispering to herself) How... how can I feel good in this body?

She sifts through memories of intimate encounters, her heart racing as she considers the possibilities. With a coy smile playing on her lips, she experiments with different sensations, exploring the contours of her body with newfound curiosity.

Lily (in her own body): (softly) Perhaps... this way?

As her fingers continue their journey, Lily's touch grows bolder, trailing down her abdomen before moving towards the curves of her hips. She gasps as she feels the warmth and suppleness of her skin, the sensation sending shivers of delight coursing through her body.

Lily (in her own body): (eyes fluttering shut) Yes... yes, just like this.

Her hands roam lower, exploring the contours of her thighs, the softness of her skin driving her wild with desire. She revels in the newfound freedom of movement, the sensation of her muscles flexing and contracting beneath her touch.

With each caress, Lily feels a growing hunger building within her, an insatiable desire for more. She longs to experience every pleasure that her new body has to offer, to lose herself in the ecstasy of sensation.

Her breath hitches, nails scratching against supple skin as she continues her exploration. As her fingers dance along her skin, they linger on those now-errect nipples, pinching and pulling them lightly. She arches her back, throaty groans escaping her parted lips. Lily relishes the power she has over herself now - each caress, each pinch a testament to her newfound strength.

Her hands journey lower, tracing the curve of her waist before dipping into the tender valley between her legs and delving further into the dark haven below, setting off a symphony of pleasure in Lily's core with an electric charge that ripples through her newfound adult form. She writhes, eyes tightly shut as she revels in this taboo self-touch.

Lily's fingers delicately moving along the soft and tender folds between her legs, collecting dampness left behind by her arousal. A wicked smile tugs at Lily's lips as she lifts those fingers to her mouth, savoring the taste of herself. The forbidden act only adds to her excitement, fueling the flames of desire that burn within her.

Lily (in her own body): (moaning softly) Mmm... so sweet.

With each taste, Lily feels a surge of desire coursing through her veins, a hunger that can only be satisfied by the touch of her own hands. No longer the timid girl hiding in the shadows, she is now a woman embracing her desires, unafraid to take what she wants. 

Lily (in her own body): (thoughts racing) This is it. With Samantha's assets and my body cover it, I can finally stand out at school. With each touch, each sensation, I'm one step closer to becoming the woman I've always wanted to be. I can't wait for the next day, to show off new me to everyone.

And as she delves deeper into her exploration, her thoughts drift to the reactions she'll elicit when she returns to school. No longer will she be overlooked or dismissed. With Samantha's body inside her own vessel and newfound confidence as her guide, Lily knows that she is ready to carve out her own path, to stand out in this small town of Silver Ville, where secrets lurk in every shadow, where she once felt invisible, she knows that her true power lies in embracing her new destiny.



It was supposed to be comic version, that is why the story is shorter, but as I was generating illustrations for comic scenes, I ended up with summer cold and now I can't stop sneezing. So in a hurry, I changed the draft for comic into a short light novel this time. Once I'm feeling a bit better, I will work on new comic story.

Gwen Poole

Nice story! What if Samantha somehow get control back? lol


Could've been nice addition to the story. Maybe next time, I'll try this approach.