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Okay everyone

 I'm over a major hump in my life and have moved into my first home!

A huge stress for me was paying 1200 a month for a tiny apartment where half the appliances and outlets didn't work, and then having to pimp out my art to pay utilities. Almost every month I was afraid I wasn't going to make it and more then a few times i ignored my physical and mental health, too afraid to seek help out of fear of another bill. I know I couldn't keep going that way but also didn't believe I would qualify for a loan approval. Turns out...this is the one time I was glad to be WRONG!!! XD 

 It was big scary step going through the house buying process but Im grateful to be here, paying way less a month) and now my finances will have time to recover and grow (after we fix this water heater grrr)

I have a pile of commissions to get through, once completed I want to get back to building this patreon and offering content worth paying for lol.

I'm thinking of a patron channel in my discord to discuss the proper way to go about that.

is that something y'all would be interested in?


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