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Canceled projects

Sorry, mildly bad news. Because I want to take my work in a slightly different direction (long animations) and because I just didn't feel it with these two, I won't continue working on these Nagatoro and Ann concepts. The characters are not banned, I would love to work on a Nagatoro animation in the future, and the idea of breasts against glass is really nice. It's just these 2 sketches didn't work for me.


New workplan

If you voted on the last poll, you already know that I will start working on a multi-scene animation. I'll be following the next model. A third of the month will be dedicated to your choices based on the polls, really similar to how I've been handling things up until now. I might have to reduce the number of winners on each poll. The rest of the month I'll be working on the long animation and I'll save some time to work on personal picks.

I'll be splitting the long animations into chunks so you don't have to wait 6 months to see some finished scenes.

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Good choice making this change! Also I fully agree with the decision to cancel.