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Hey! Next month (May) I'll do a little experiment called Fast Montho, and as the name implies, it will be a period during which I'll challenge myself to be faster (like with this blue-haired demon here).

I'll use the most voted characters from the latest Super Champion poll (go vote if you haven't).

This means I'm going to pause the pieces I have pending except Zel-Riju. Don't worry, I'll continue working on them once fast month ends. Sorry for this, but I think I need this as I've been feeling a little slow.

To be accountable (and receive your prayers) the methodology will be as follows:

  • I'll have strict deadlines. One drawing every 2 days. One short animation every week, at least the animation part without lineart and coloring. Those might be a couple of days delayed.

  • Hmm that's it

***Rewards here or in the pinned post. For any questions, you can DM me, reply to a post, or via Discord. FAQ




Speaking for myself, I subscribe to support you as an artist, not because I want to see you meet an arbitrary quota. If this experiment will help you, then good luck! But make sure you're taking care of yourself too!


Rooting for you all the way! Whatever helps shift the paradigm and shake up your creative routine, surely go for it! But as others have mentioned, be sure to mind your energy and wellness as you embark upon this challenge. We're supporting you no matter what!