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103: Homecoming (3)

There was a lot of conflicting news and misinformation going on around the three duchies. For once, many fights started between highly skilled pilgrims and some groups of combatants that were either mercenaries, knights, or even mages.

In truth, after the attack on Fort Marth and when Leon encountered the Medjay, Eleanor mobilized a lot of agents from the Godfrey duchy and started irritating and harassing the pilgrim caravans. This exposed a lot of Medjay agents that were either spooked away or forced into a fight.

As for Leon, he was just wondering nonstop why there were Medjay in this world and why their techniques, strategies, and even martial arts, are so similar to the ones he knows. In a way, some individuals from Ancient Egypt made it to the world long ago, they could have established the Medjay but across the years in both worlds, the Medjay should have evolved differently.

"We are approaching Stormdale." Lance announced.

As they traveled through the Dark Duchy, the topography of the land was nothing different from the fantastical environment of Amber where many strange trees and plants dotted the landscape, nothing of which Leon has ever seen on Earth.

But even with all these alien flora and fauna, the architecture and the human design were always standing high and mighty, large and wide, sturdy and strong. That image was reflected in the city of Stormdale.

Leon has only seen Karanberg thus far, and aside from a few hamlets and villages, the city of Stormdale was something of a marvel for the eyes, looking twice as fantastical as Karanberg and maybe more.

Karanberg was a metropolis but Stormdale was much smaller. Still, unlike the industrial Karanberg that was packed with citizens, Stormdale had stretches of gardens and long trees as if there was a jungle trapped in the city. Still, it had towers with domes, artistic buildings, and a large white palace holding the city from its center. All of that was seen from a hilltop overlooking the city from some height.

"I know this look in yer eyes. Ya've never seen anything like it, huh?" Vadim said with a big grin.

"It is… a very beautiful place." Leon replied with a slight smile forming on his lips.

Seeing this sight, witnessing this grand city, it felt like the journey was worth it.

"That's the marvel of Humans and Dwarves working together. You will never see anything as elaborate as this city." Vadim said with a prideful tone.

"We're so close." Lance said as his horse stopped on Leon's left, "For all these years, you are finally back."

"…" Leon was about to turn to Lance but he halted his head and looked at the city instead without saying anything.

"Still, I will respect your wishes." Lance said, "I only pray for the best now."

"Thank you." Leon turned to Leon and nodded.

"The ladies should've reached the gate by now, let's see what they have for us." Vadim said and turned his dire wolf to rush towards the city followed by Leon and Lance.

Not too far from the city, Eleanor seemed waiting at a distance from the gate. She was standing beside her horse and watching the road. The three men approached her and it seemed that trouble was brewing inside the city.

"What happened?" Lance asked.

"Well, it seemed that a messenger bird had beat us to the city from the border point. Now that we missed the meeting we should have had with the Elder's representative, the Elders have taken matters into their own little dirty hands." Eleanor said with contempt.

"What did they do?" Lance asked.

"As a pretext, they have used the assassination attempt that Leon faked and sent an entire Knight Order to guard and accompany us in. Because they are direct subordinates to the Duchy, Lara and Erielle were accompanied. Only I could get away." She said.

"They took them to the main palace. The bastards!" Lance cursed.

"Those Elders, they are the side of the Duke, right?" Leon asked.

"Yes." Eleanor replied.

"And you had no countermeasures for them?" He asked.

"We wanted to get you through the Lower City but it seems they won't rest until they take you to the main palace." Lance replied.

"Where was I supposed to go to then? Aren't the duchess there?" Leon asked.

"Mother resides in her Garden Palace. An estate that she controls outside the main palace. It's on the other end of the city near the beach." Lance replied.

"Hmmm… you haven't informed her that you were traveling to get me, right?" Leon asked.

"Of course not. We didn't want to give her false hope in case this operation fails." Eleanor replied.

"Good call." Leon agreed and then asked, "And now what, do you have an alternative plan?"

His question was met with silence but he expected that much.

"We have other ways into the city but you will be exposed. I command my own Knight Order but the best I can do is do some ruckus with the other knights." Lance said.

"How about Teleporting in?" Leon asked Eleanor.

"Most cities are subjected to a Teleport Gate Circle. It is a very elaborate spell that rewrites the destination of any teleportation that seeks to enter a certain radius and forces it to land in a designated location. You can already guess it is not the most desired one for you to be in." Eleanor replied.

"So the only remaining option is to knock on the front door." Leon said.

"We can always try disguising ourselves." Vadim said but the look on Leon's eyes was cold and scary.

"I think it is time I take the lead on this one." Leon said.

The look in the eyes of the others started to become a little bit worrisome but it was Eleanor who spoke first.

"As long as you are not killing your way inside, let's hear it." She said.

"Tempting." Leon smiled and looked at the city in the distance, "How many gates does the city have?"

"Many. There are four main gates on the four cardinal directions and many smaller gates that are specialized for trade, caravans, prisoner transport, diplomat, and military."

"Good. We all need to split up." Leon said.

"That's dangerous." Vadim frowned in disagreement.

"Actually it is the best option. Think about it, you three are known by face and there are no wanted posters for me in this territory, also nobody has seen this pretty face in years. In other words, they are relying on recognizing you to recognize me." Leon said.

Nobody could refute that fact. Even if they have posters of him, they don't exactly fit how he looks now.

Leon has purposely let his facial hair grow to form a little traveler's beard, which Eleanor hated, and shortened the hair of his head. His appearance looked a bit haggard and ragged but he was looking like an adventurer who roams the wilds.

"I still have my Mercenary Belt on me and guess what, I forgot to get rid of those." Leon opened his storage and poured out a few goblin heads, one of which was the head of a Goblin Shaman.

"Agartha's mercy! Look at those sharp cuts." Vadim examined the goblin heads while Leon prepared a rope and a few books.

As around six heads were hooked on the rope, Lean dangled them from his saddle's side and started taking out many different weapons to attach them to his own belt and on the other side of the saddle. The final look was that of a man armed to the teeth.

"A mercenary returning with his spoils, could work." Vadim said.

"They will ask for identification though." Lance said.

"I have just the thing for that." Leon took out a plate from his Storage and presented it to them.

"An Identity Plate! That's a sure way to give yourself out." Eleanor pushed it away.

"Just look." Leon said and then pointed at the plate and murmured, "Conceal!"

[A/n: Conceal is a Knowledge Magic spell that was called Forge before.]

With a single word, the information on the plate started shifting, and little by little, they became different from what it actually is.


[ Leo ] < Lv.16 Human Hunter >

Talent: C+

Skills: (Blades) (Marksman) (Reflexes) (Stealth)

Magic: (Earth)

Titles: [E-Rank Mercenary]


"That's…" Lance's eyes widened as he looked at the words that were shifting on the Identity Plate, "You could do that?"

"That completely goes against the purpose of these plates." Eleanor looked a bit taken.

"It can't make up new things in my status but I can use it to hide things that are already there. And before you say it, I know it is a very dangerous spell that will get me in no little trouble." Leon said.

By concealing, Leon shortened his name to Leo, concealed 6 of his levels to only show 16, his extra Class slot, many grades of his talent, left out a few skills, and only one magic. Lastly, he only left one title out to be seen.

It was similar in practice to those items which hide certain titles from the System except that the "Conceal" spell Leon knew was unique and unheard of.

"Keep your lips tight about this." Eleanor said with a little bit of nervousness, "You will drive me mad with all these surprises."

Leon put the Identity Plate away.

"Either way, this Magic Plate means that someone powerful has bestowed it upon ya. Not all commoners can carry it." Vadim added.

"Good to know." Leon nodded.

"I've kept my knights stationed at the Sea Gate. I will ride there with haste and enter while blowing my horn to call them to me." Lance said, "It will cause a scene and it will lessen the attention from the other gates since they will think that you are with me."

"Good luck, and thank you." Leon replied.

"Just promise me you will meet our mother." Lance put his hand on Leon's shoulder.

"You have my world. I will try to meet her to the best of my ability." Leon replied.

"I will ride to the Dwarves Gate and call upon me brethren to come and hear of me last epics." Vadim said with a grin, "Me rowdy kin will keep me occupied for some time since they like stories but it will keep the attention of the Knights on us."

"Best of Luck, Vadim." Leon fist-bumped Vadim… which may have or may not have made Lance a little bit jealous.q

Lastly, it was Eleanor's turn.

"I will just head from the Teleporter Gate. I assume many mages are there and I will be enough to intimidate them." She said.

"Then good luck to you too." Leon turned to her, "I will never forget what you did for me, and for all that it's worth, I'll repay your kindness."

"I am doing this for my dearest friend…" She turned away but the three men could tell that she was bothered by something.

"I will go through the shantytown to the south of the city and see if there are rumors. An hour from now, I will be heading in." Leon said and pointed at his pocket watch, "Let's make sure that you time your appearance 10 minutes before me."

"Good plan." Vadim jumped back on his wolf, "See you on the other side, Leon."

"Lara and I may not be able to return to our mother tonight so make sure to be careful once you approach the Garden Palace." Lance said as he rode his horse.

"Leon. You're now on your own and we're trusting you with this. Please, don't let us down." Eleanor added.

The four split apart and approached the city from a different gate each. Lance from the north, Vadim from the worst, Eleanor via teleporting, and Leon from the south.

Lastly, Leon had to go all the way to the eastern part of the city where the Garden Palace is. Nobody thought it would be an easy task but trusting Leon was the best bet to get into the city.


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