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(78: The Next Morning)

A new morning's sun came through the skies of Karanberg. Unpleasant and bothersome as it was, it was the only supplier to provide the energy that was spent during the last night.

It is pleasant to smell, the smell of the sun. it is beautiful, sacred, rejuvenating, and most definitely the sole reason why everyone is bustling through the city to work, worship, and wander.

Tea shops and coffee houses opened throughout the city with people smiling, singing, and chatting. It is a good day, truly a blessed day with sun and clouds and winds.

And Smoke and Fire.

Slowly it crept up the good day, the rumors, the chaos of last night. The fight between the Liberation Revolutionary Front and the Soldiers in the streets.

Those who lived in the Northern District knew everything, those who lived near that district started to know the moment they saw the grey smoke looming around the place, those who lived further enjoyed a little bit of the morning before the news arrived.

A great killing, a massacre, the Crown Prince ordered them dead.

What happened? Many asked.

The Free Youth Movement intercepted the convoy of the Crown Prince who was in a hunt in the nearby Forest.

The peaceful folk gathered around the street and they demanded justice and attention and care from the future king. He was enraged and almost made a scene but the situation was aggravated when some people started chanting insults against the Royal Family. The Prince ordered that they get executed on the spot but the commanders around him resisted and the people tried to push the troublemakers away until…

Fire started!

No one knows where it came from or who made it but panic spread like wildfire. Nothing was left where it should.

The academy convoy spread through the people. Knights and Guards clashed with the and Protestors but more fires started to fall in the lines of the Knights. Many of them were burnt alive. The guards used their weapons against the people.

Many fell.

Later, it was discovered that the origin of the fires were bottles used by troublemakers.

But what of the results of last night?

With many casualties, the Knights secured the retreat of the Academy Students. Many wizards appeared and suppressed the protests without more bloodshed.

At Dawn, the leaders of the Free Youth Movement known as the Edeners, Eden Newman, spoke to the people who were gathered in the main plaza.

He said that the Monarchy showed its true colors. That the Prince is much like the King and the ones before them, nothing more than oppressors who wield a power they don't deserve. That the System is unjust and the Hierarchy is flawed. That no magic user should be better than a normal person.

Words upon words echoed over time and fueled up the anger across the city.

The Amber Revolution was in its brightest and the northern district was barricaded by the Revolutionary Front in a full rebellion.

All they needed was the chance and they were given the means to make it. The Fire Cocktail, the new symbol of the Revolution.


As Eden Newman and his boys were setting the city on fire. Somewhere in the central area away from the stink of the Northern District was the Manor of House De Sadé, a beautiful place where the sun entered every room fairly through the curtains.

The room was already warm enough as Karmina stretched her body and looked up the ceiling as she listened to the report which was carefully briefed by one of the maids.

The city is in chaos, the situation seems dangerous but chances always present themselves in those chances. She can get on the good side of both the Liberation Revolutionary Front and the Aristocracy by acting as a double agent.

Eden Newman and the Free Youth are getting more enthusiasm but the Revolutionaries aren't just those people. The Eden Agenda is particularly a disturbing one and the man is considered to be an extreme leftist which doesn't cope well with Karmina's goals. She can support the other liberal movements which can create some balance before Eden Newman gets too powerful.

"Either way, we don't need to worry. The Revolution may have gained those new fire bottles thingy but the Crowns will soon cut the supplies once they understand what its components are." Karmina said.

"Anything that burns well can be used. I made sure they understand that." Leon said.

"Alright, Furra, that will be all." Karmina sent the maid away and slid back into the bed as she turned the other side.

She was smiling, he was smiling too.

Last night was more mischievous than anyone would think. It is safe to say that Leon got himself rid of the Two-Lives Virgin title. One can shudder from the idea of the debuff of such a title.

"Good morning."


"We can laze in bed for a couple more hours."

"I would love nothing more."

She was resting her head on her hand as she leaned on her forearm beside him. He, who was still lying on his back, passed his hand across to her face and pushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear to see her face well. She traced that move with her eyes then smiled while biting her lower lip.

While he did so, his other hand snuck behind her from below and suddenly grabbed her closer, and rolled in the opposite direction to bring her on.

She laughed and he smiled widely as they got mingled again in their passionate play. She held a bit back to take a good look at his face. He did the same as he could see every detail of her face up close as her heir slid to the side to block the sun.

It felt like heaven when they kissed. Like a thousand springs blooming over and over, like gardens and meadows spreading through them and the sun rising across the horizon.

Just a beautiful moment that gracefully extended itself long enough for the two to feel the sweetness each of them was missing on.

We can laze in bed for a couple more hours, that seemed so possible all of a sudden. It is what both of them needed and…

*Knock knock knock*

… the chance was already gone.

The door opened and the maid walked in.

"Mistress, there's a lady from the Cultural Society of Amber with a Golden Badge."

The kiss came to a sudden pause as Karmina, who was riding on Leon's hips, looked with patience at Furra while Leon who raised his back and leaned on his arms couldn't help but awkwardly smile as he knew the Feline girl was glaring death at him.

"A Golden Badge is a Senior Officer from Cultural Society." Karmina said, "They are here to ask more about the painting. My brother keeps raising hell everywhere with his little boy rage."

"You will keep the painting hidden?" Leon asked.

"I can't reveal it. Maybe in ten years or so, I will display it in an auction and claim it back for my house." She said as she lazily pushed herself off him.

Before she went out of his reach, Leon held her hand.

"Karmina, I think I will have to leave now." He said.

"What?" Her smile instantly disappeared, "You can at least stay for a couple of…"

"You and I know I should hurry already. The City will be closed at some point once the Royals attempt to take control of the chaos. I won't be able to get out by then." He said.

She looked down and returned to sit back on the bed.

"You said you don't know who your family is or what you should do in this world you don't recognize. At least stay with me. I'll protect you." She said.

"And I'll bring you disaster, sweet Karmina." He said and touched her soft face, "Once I have control over my Fate, I'll take you up on your words."

It felt strange. Somehow, Karmina was not only caring for Leon but even respecting him. How when he was the one to steal her painting? She had a hunch but she saw in Leon more than a handsome face or an energetic companion in bed, he had that thing that she can't just think she can rival but only strive to achieve.

That's why she never wanted Leon to go. With him, things will turn way better. He's the mysterious Black Cobra that left everyone confused after all.

"One last thing." She said and asked Furra to approach before ordering her to take out something which seemed to be bothering the maid.

Furra took out a large coin from her bosom and offered it to Karmina with respect.

"That!" Leon narrowed his eyes.

"You've seen something like it before?" Karmina asked.

"Yeah." Leon nodded and then extended his hand to the small bag lying on the ground before taking out an item from his Storage discreetly, "Here."

It was a large coin with a Bull symbol on one side and the Syndicate symbol on another. The one Karmina carried had a Spider symbol rather than a Bull.

"The Bull Token and I guess… the Spider Token?" He asked.

"Hector gave you his token?" She asked.

"For stealing the painting, he told me this token will help me with making connections in the Syndicate members wherever I go." He said.

"Indeed but that's like telling you that you can use a sword to cut paper and open letters." Karmina said, "The Syndicate Tokens represent power, Leo. The Bull has given up his turf thus he no longer has any power. Once the news spread, that token is useless."

"Sigh! Should have guessed." Leon said.

"Take mine." Karmina offered Leon the Spider Token.

"You serious?"

"I forged plenty." She said, "A Token can do a lot of stuff. Carrying it around forms a linkage between you and those who carry another that belongs to the same Boss which will make it easier to distinguish a friend from foe."

"And if it is stolen?"

"It doesn't work unless its owner, me, gives it willingly." She explained.

"I see."

"Also, it can rally pulses between the owner and the carrier. Those pulses may get understood if we use certain pulse patterns we agree on."

Leon nodded as he thought of how useful it will be to apply that with Morse Code.

"Lastly and the most important function, it is used to conceal our identities as Syndicate members." She said, "Those little things have the power to suppress the system and make our Crime titles disappear.


And that explains why he couldn't find out about Karmina's hidden titles.

"It is a really strange and powerful tool since it can interfere with something as powerful as the System. You know what the system is, right?" She asked.

"I have a rough idea."

"What you must know is that the Holy Light Temple considers the System to be the foundations of Magic laid down by the Holy Mother. It is a set of rules that can affect reality and magic to a frightening degree and it can only be read by those who possess a very rare magic talent."

"I understand." Leon nodded as he was already aware of that.

"That means one last thing. If you were caught with the Token, you will be in serious trouble especially with the temple. Anything that can interfere with the System is considered a Taboo, the Temple calls those items Unholy Objects." She added.


Such a frightening word. It is very scary since he is the one who carries a title that has that word stuck to it. The {Unholy Thief}.

"I will go receive that guest now." Karmina finally stood up from his side and their hands parted.

Such a sad feeling.

Leon laid back as his eyes followed Karmina who stood against her dresser and a few maids walked in to take off her dress.

He saw everything last night, there was no need to hide anything there. The graceful figure, the bouncy curves, the fair skin. He smiled as he saw her beautiful body getting exposed and she was secretly smiling as well as she looked in the other direction. However, a certain angry maid pulled a curtain to prevent him from looking.

Furra stood in front of Leon who returned the cold stare to her along with a middle finger implying how much of an annoying bitch she is.

"Master Leon, we have prepared your traveling gear and a bath." She said with a cheeky smile.

"A bath again? You atrocious wench, what you did to me last night was unforgivable." Leon spoke in horror as he covered his body with the bedsheets like a terrified maiden.

He could hear Karmina giggle behind the curtain which made him smile as well. Last night, the maids had to soak him in water before they could even allow him to touch Karmina. Furra took her revenge a hundred folds that time.

Either way, Leon wouldn't miss another luxurious bath before the long journey and so he surrendered once again to the maids. At that time, Karmina walked out from her dressing corner and she was in a graceful dress that completely made it seem as if the world can just ignore the sun and keep revolving around her.

"I like you in that dress." Leon said.

"I like you in yours." She replied and winked when she looked at how naked he still is.

Even though it was more like a one-night stand, it ended up with the two finding one thing they needed in the other.

Before they hit it off last night, the two sat together on the stairs and kept talking and talking. She had a lot on her heart and he had a lot on his mind, as they opened up about what was depressing them, they found support and consolation in one another and it became more like a boy and a girl opening up.

Then a kiss happened.

They both thought it was a mistake but then they decided it is not and from then till now, they found what they needed and it was time to get back to their actual lives and wake up from this beautiful dream.

She slowly walked out of the room to receive her guests and he started to prepare for his journey.



I’m thinking of unsubscribing At least patreons must get the sex scenes If not the scenes well at least up to it like them getting into the mood This feels like I skipped a chapter


I don't want to write sex scenes anymore man! I'll leave that to other novels which I'll solely write for sex scenes.


Finally our boy got some! Oh and I'm fine with or without sex scenes. I just get annoyed with stories where they pretend adults don't do adult things.