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hey, these are the sketches I made for these pages, I know my paper scans kinda suck, but I don't really need higher quality for my comics, since later I just draw over these again and cut the hell out of them.

I guess if you've seen many movies and stories you can guess what's coming next :)

I thought about "how" Nova was going to mess up bad in this story, thought about she getting caught or wounded, also thought about making her team to end up in a bad shape because of her decisions... 

Ultimatelly I decided to just leave this between Nova and the enemy boss, it packed the same idea I wanted to tell, and also was dramatic enough to make Nova fight against a big Custus, and show her endurance (despite the fact this doggo doesn't really want to kill her, as he mentions in these pages, he knows better])

I kinda ended up liking the mercenary boss here, unnamed doggo, he's wearing an armor similar to Cale heh, just a little nod of the style of armor colonel wears is somewhat designed after the Guardian clan models.

Still, he expected she would be knocked out with a single kick, as it would happen for most exi fighters against a such strength, but Nova is powerful! yeh! commander Bun has unnatural endurance, which is part of the key "trait" all of the xenos with Alpha genetics share, with limited certain differences. 

what's comic is sort of a trope, this time I was mostly inspired by the Baron Harkonnen in Dune first book.



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