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hey, I'm not sure if I commented about the past page, so I'm also putting the wip here in this mini-blog.

first to notice, character in main frame in page 6 and in 7 with some dialogs is another "cameo" for this comic, red panda took the role of one of the "renegades" in the story.

I think this comic is doing kinda what I expected with readers, I mean, part of the reason of this is show "who" Nova is, beside what's been seen already in the "prelude" story, what lead her to be the way she's shown or perceived in the main story.

Let's say, she seems like sort of a "paladin" type of personality, she wants to do good, and care about her role in the clan, a role that's probably something she can do good later, but as seen in the "deadlock" story, she didn't exactly had anything to say about it.

She's younger than she was in the original comic, so I thought it was going to be a nice idea to show her being more careless in some aspects, despite everything, I'm not sure exactly how good I'm doing it, or if I'm runing Nova's personality for certain readers, but she's prone to errors as much as others characters, despite how "good" she seems to be in the prelude.

She's mostly self-contained and with these type of experiences I want to explain why she took some decisions.

also keep in mind Nova wasn't supposed to be very important for the main story, she was mostly created to serve as "perfect example" for Bandi, who's supposed to be lead the actual "XEN" story if I ever manage to continue working in this, but she grew up on me, and apparently most readers loved her, idk if it's her personality or her looks xd.

other thing to comment her is that renegades are usually mixed species teams.




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