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Hello again, this is the original Sketch/script and the finished Lineart made by Cron12 (cynide) who is helping me specifically with this part of the Xeno Experiments Nova Project.

The red color frame is the spot where no text should be in the page and the yellow where it can go, but at ristk of getting too close to the edge. it's just something that came with the psd template I use. I found that in a comic printing service and I've been using that size ever since, idk if it's a right format, but it feels better than a "Letter size" I used to use when I started drawing (or even worse, before all Derideal pages weren't print-ready)

I figured people will find interesting examining this image up close, in general in XEN we "try" to follow the script but it's up to change/improvement/modification in the final lineart and even layout. I do this same process with Derideal, The Void, etc, but since I'm the only one drawing those comics I rarely change much, just try to improve it a little.

Drawing the scripts right away instead of "writing" a regular comic script makes it easier for me to tell a story, I've tried several methods along the years, but this one is the one that sticks and manged to make "the scripting process" something fun and more bearable for me.

Check the attachments for real size pictures and also the colored page without texts!



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