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Bandi Exi, a soldier rabbit, brother of commander Nova will have to face the hardest test during the next adventures I have planned., as seen in other concepts he will ge using a complete new heavy gear in order to be stronger than before.

Exi-clan xenos are known for being extremely fragile and mostly rely in ranged combat tactics, with just a few exceptions among the Exi clan, the rabbits from the leadership family with enough potential can become soldiers are usually more resistant than average.... Still, they're still weak compared to the guardian clan and first clan soldiers.

luckily, during the next adventure Bandi will have some extra help, in this case I'm showing a little of Orben Eboreana, the First clan prince!

Orben is trained as an infiltrator and is very skilled in hit and run tactics, also being part of the First clan royal family, he's also smart and resilient. He might have some links with clan politics, which might be useful for Bandi at some degree.

Orben will join the next quest for his own reasons, and honestly, he and Bandi might not get along too well.

Just something I got inspired to draw tonight, I really enjoy sketching up stuff in this style, it's becoming sort of my secondary style and I think I'm slowly improving it.

I'm also thinking about starting "style test" for the next comic... I'm tempted to make the story in black and white only. but I also want to explore some simple coloring alternatives that might require lots of trial an error to get exaclty what I want.




Prince you say? So there is some level of fuedal society going on. I would love to learn more about the societal heirarchies of the xenos types.


There's a little about it in the Derideal wiki https://derideal.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/XEN