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This is the final episode of "Lost memories" 

make sure to read this story since the beginning here:

previous episode:

A story I wanted to tell for a long time, and after some years of work I've managed to complete.

More about this episode at the end!


"sixty lost memories, and it was you all along"





















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I hope you've liked this story!

People who knew Mix since before she was mine, and before she was included in the comics... kinda knew her story didn't ended up too well.

I tried to respect the original concepts of the character, but modified a lot the "why" and "hows"

I also tried to make this sad ending, a little more bright... I had a lot of trouble figuring the last dialogs, because the originals in the scripts were more vague... I hope this makes clear, that despite whatever happened to Mix, she's returning to life over and over for Pixi, refusing to die.

for people who's read "THE VOID" series, I think it's a little sad, that Pixi ended up in THE VOID again, but it was due her own luck I guess... but she's much older in that story, and the reason she never mention Mix, is well, because despite she might have understand what happened, it hurt too much at the time.

and as Pixi says at the end, I'm sure they won't stop showing in pictures and even some more comic ideas in the future.

it took me 3 years to make this story, 1 year and a half writing it... and then the same time drawing.

Also thanks to my sister, who helped paint flats and colors of characters of the comic halfways, and that really allowed me to speed production (she painted the flats and even made character shading and lights of the final episodes)

these very final pages I decided to paint them myself, they were more complicated and had more funky coloring... and well, really more personal.

thanks to my patreon supporters! without your support, this story would have likely not happened.




Well, that's a story. Now to see what comes next! Good work.


My next big project is going to be Nova! it's going to take a while... but I'll get at it eventually


Put some tears down to see little Mix put her life down to safe her friend. Kinda broke my heart to see Pixi drop the sock... as if Mix had betrayed her... which is true in her eyes, but as if she will never know how much Mix gave up to safe her life.


She's too innocent to understand, maybe in the future she'll realize the truth