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Hey, here are the remaining WIPS of the comic episode, maybe some got repeated? maybe.. but I didn't made the animated gifs.

Alright, I'm wanna come clean with this episode about something, now that's finished.

originally, this "dream" was going to be mixed up a little with the LRE comic fantasy, that's how it originally started in my head, back in the day, more than 8 years ago.

and it was supposed to happen "early" in the story, but I sidetracked the story for at least 2 or 3 episodes, which were the inclusion of Ivory in the tale, I decided to make a specific episode for her, then made a mission against the rebels for her alone, originally... Alpha was supposed to face the rebels, being sick as he was in the same episode.

I also wasted lots of pages presenting the new rebels, which were supposed to be part in future episode, and also wasted lots of time explaining sci-fi thingys about the city, which retrospectively... wasn't a great idea.

as a result, Alpha suffered as a character, he seemed to be "on hold" for too long, when it was the time for finishing the story, I realized how much I had messed up.

I enjoy Ivory a lot, but she kinda broke the basic structure of the story I had in mind, back when I was 17 years old or something, this, combined with the fact that I didn't outlined my work, and was just writing and having fun with it, without having a proper plan ahead except a few ideas to where the story was supposed to go.

in fact, I even thought about changing the main character to Ivory in the lastest episodes, thinking that if I felt he was too much punished and lacked willpower to do anything, maybe the rest of readers felt that, but even worse... ultimatelly, I decided that it wasn't fair, this was Alpha's story and I messed up, this episode was my way, the quickest way I had to make him literally "wake up"

I think there could have been 100 better ways to do it, but I ran out time, and of structure... and this was the only way I could do it, and still be beliveable.

this I think, could be probably one of the weakest episodes in part 3. mostly because I feel the "nightmare" hit were too few in part 2 :/.... I hope to include some patches in the story later, if I get energy for adding more to it, someday.




For what it's worth, it wasn't so bad on the Alpha pause. Just glad that he's back to his true state of mind.


Thanks for sharing. I would give you some words of encouragement, like I'm glad to hear you enjoy running with what you got. But I can see it must be frustrating to see the grand scheme of things you have been trying to tell break down because of it. I am myself not much of a plotter, so I just kind of roll with what I come up with. When I mess up to much I just scrap some stuff and sideline a part of the story I feel does belong in the main, but in comic format that sounds a lot harder to do. As you publish panels as you make them. Hoping here, that I'm still making sense.