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hey, I got to find the scans of the original version of the episode, this "dream" version was made around the time I was drawing episode 10 or something, so it's pretty old...

since the remake happened, part of this didn't made sense anymore for me, also considering the part 3 consisted in mainly "new" stuff written more carefully, I had to update this idea.

I won't post the entire thing, but parts that are similar to what we've already seen.

Alpha gets dragged to the bottom of big water pond/lake.

Alpha seeing himself and then memories of the consortium battle in episode 4. (reaching the bottom of the lake it's full of memories)

 He had to fight against "himself" but ends up just wounding himself by hurting the "shadow (Alpha)" (he knows fight along side Aden)

 Alpha is wounded, and tries to go away meanwhile is interrogated by C.Wally memory.

" you are a mere pawn in the plans of superior beings"

Alpha is told he will fail again, but he refuses and says he can't fail again.

and this is it! haha I thought it would be interesting for readers invested in the story. 



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