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art by: https://twitter.com/KariMiztochli

story and edits: Kiaun

Maybe Amy is on to something here... but what could be it?

this is a funky colored and funky composited page hhehe, I think it works.

I don't do pages as crazy as this myself anymore, but I gave lots of freedom to Gatonejo to represent the story however he wanted, just did small corrections.

text got a fix: thanks @torqueEmPup @Twilight @madpostman




This might be a new favorite comic. I want to know what happened to the humans. What does each xeno clan think about humans? If I remember right the Custus liked humans, but they were largely canid types.


It's part of the mystery of the xen comic setting. But it's going to be a while before I manage to continue the main story

Kit Foxboy

We ran out of the resources to keep making final fantasy games and went to the stars in search of bigger swords and stranger outfits.