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"meanwhile you were talking to me
the whole city was flooding
so many things were happening around us
but only I could see it
I remember that I told you "I'm weird"
it should have been so easy and simple
but I just couldn't articulate it
meanwhile my clock keeps screaming
tick tock tick tock
what else can I say to you, without saying any words?"

"La historia de una hache que no quería ser muda" - Love of Lesbian

I hope you liked this episode! I feel a little self conscious about it though, I really wanted them to be naked haha. but it was probably unnecessary, right? 

I think they won't mind.

there's also a hint here, that these aren't the only "exigus" rooms available in he complex, there's also part of it in a level below,  that's where Pixi lives.

Mix actually likes Pixi a lot, but Pixi is too naive to realize what Mix's saying... " Romantic love" is something xenos can feel too. and none of them knows about it, I also wanted to show you how different both feel about each other. I know there's a lot of Pixi X Mix pictures around, but their relationship is more platonic in the story.

This also triggers some of Mix insecurities, as she won't insist to explain Pixi what she really meant... but the important thing for me is that they both accept each other as they are.

PS: I had this "water" scene in my head for a long time, but it was supposed to happen somewhere less private, it was going to be a chance for they to just talk and now more about each other. But as I was making the comic, this scene became part of the "final test" and they instead of just talking (they had many chances by now) spend more time together, alone.

update 1- Text got some fixes, thanks @twilight and @TorqueEmpup for the corrections.

PS. this episode has the page 80, I find it fun, that it was just the episode I liked more, and it has the page 80, another sign of 80 perfection.




Mix and Pixi are so adorable, it's good to have a little light in this world where "real" happiness seems as impossible as it is intolerable. I just realized one thing...in Derideal the colors are dark and cold ...almost inhuman (notably with the omnipresence of yellow since several chapters), while in Lost Memories the colors are more classic, varied and especially most bright. As if to tell us that this world, even if horrible (yes eh, we are talking about creatures forced and conditioned to something without really having a choice) happiness is still possible.


Colors and lines of lost memories I thought it to look more simple and colorful, somewhat inspired by kids tale books. My idea with lost memories is tell a more fun story that balance fun with the Derideal nostalgia/sadness.

Kit Foxboy

Pro tip Pixi. If a girl is having a big naked sleepover with you and blushing saying she likes you, I don't think she wants to hear that you think of her as a sister. I love this story so much. Lots of really cute expressions and tender moments to punctuate how dark their lives are overall.


They are happy there mostly left alone I guess. I also think Pixi is just mostly innocent like this haha... I mean, she tends to ruin everything (?) But I think Mix understand, she's love her anyway ❤️