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It feels like every time I make an update on this Patreon announcing any changes to the release schedule, I receive some big, exciting news that completely changes my plans.

I am now an official member of the Forgotten Adventures Battlemaps team! This has been something of a dream for me since they established the team last year, and while it is incredibly exciting for me, it comes with an apology: I will be unable to produce new work for my Patreon going forward. I will keep the Patreon active to serve as a map archive, allowing new DMs and players to find my maps, but so long as I'm working with Forgotten Adventures (and I hope to do so for a very long time), there will be no further updates to this page.

I plan to switch the page to a subscription model so people can still give something back for all the maps in my archive if they feel so inclined, but it will be some weeks, if not months, before Patreon implements the feature that will allow me to do this.

Thank you all for getting me to this point - I had high hopes for my map-making endeavors, but I don't think I could have predicted just how far they were going to take me, and none of this would have been remotely possible without your support!

If you would like to keep an eye out for my future work, feel free to sign up to the FA Battlemaps Patreon!

My wife, Heather, helped with my Flooded Crypt map, and was planning on assisting me with some of my maps for Patreon, but as that's no longer happening, she'll be focusing on her own page, which you can find here!



congratulations, loved your work. Guess that's one more reason to support the Forgotten Adventures Battlemaps.

Sven Schlaepfer

Big Congrats!! Looking forward to what you bring on FA - since I am subbeed to them as well!!