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Flickering firelight illuminates the hilltop, and you can hear the villagers singing as they dance around the flames, celebrating the coming harvest.


I always intended for this map to represent a ritual site of some kind, but it had escaped my notice that it was getting so close to Lughnasadh, so the map is much more appropriate for the time of year than I initially expected! For those who aren't aware, Lughnasadh is a Celtic festival that marks the beginning of the harvest season, and traditionally, many would climb hills or mountains as part of the celebration.

This map has a few minor variations - a circle of stone cairns or a circle of standing stones, and a monolith at the center of the hilltop, or a bonfire, depending on what best suits your needs!

Thank you for bearing with me, folks - I'm still trying to get a good handle on balancing all this new work with continued production of maps for Patreon, and I'm still hoping to launch that Discord soon and start providing Foundry modules for my maps, it's just taking some time to get everything together with this new project while also evading burnout. That said, the balance is coming a little easier lately, so I should be able to get the ball rolling properly again very shortly!


This map was made with assets from Forgotten Adventures in Clip Studio Paint.



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