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Hi folks!

I know it hasn't been very long since my last update post, but given the big promises I made at the end of May I thought I should let you know where things stand currently, especially as I received some pretty big news during the month that's going to disrupt those plans a bit.


The News:

Earlier this month I was invited to work on an as-of-yet unannounced project for Foundry VTT. I can't say very much about it yet, but I'm sure you can imagine just how exciting this opportunity is for me!

Unfortunately, the time I'll be spending on this project means I won't be able to dedicate quite as much time to working on maps for my Patreon, so I'm afraid I won't be able to keep to the timeline I gave with last month's update.


Map Release Schedule Change (Again):

With regards map releases, I'm not entirely sure how just how many Patreon maps I'll be able to finish per month while working on this project, but my current goal is to produce at least one Patreon map per month, while aiming for two as much as possible.

Honestly, I think this will be good for my output here, as I'll be able to take the time to experiment, to ensure the highest level of quality I'm capable of, and just enjoy the process more, instead of just trying to make sure I release enough maps to get by every month.


Discord Community & Foundry VTT Modules Delay:

I'm still planning to launch the Discord community and provide Foundry VTT modules for my maps very soon, but it'll likely take me just a little bit longer than I originally expected to finalize the details, with everything that's happening. That said, I'm hoping it shouldn't be more than a couple of weeks before both the community and the modules are up and running!


Honestly, I'm still in awe of how far things have come over the last two years, now more than ever. Thank you for all of your support so far, and thank you for your understanding as I venture into this uncharted territory - it really means the world.

-Vincent (Aonbarr Cartography)


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