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Carla could barely breath with how firmly Jude was holding her in her hands. The giant’s fingers squeezed harder than they needed to.

“D-Don’t squeeze so… so hard!” She gasped out.

Jude simply looked down and scowled.

The giant bent down and released the naked Carla onto the cold floor. Before she could get back to her feet, the giant had stepped over her and laid down on her stomach. Carla could probably try to run, but when dealing with a giant like Jude, it would be unwise to try and anger her. Besides, it didn’t matter how fast one could run when your captor could cover ten times as much ground as you can. She’d probably just be stomped flat.

“Okay,” Jude sighed, pulling her phone from her dress’ front pocket. “Here’s what’s going to happen,”

She loosened both flats with the opposing foot and shook them off. They landed haphazardly to the sides of the giant’s ankles. One was upright, the other on its side. Inside, Carla could see a battered man hoisted against the sweat stained surface of the shoe’s soles. He was taped up roughly, and there was no moving him. He lay there limp, quiet and accepting his role as an insole for the giant woman.

The smell of Jude’s feet and shoes crept its way into the mant’s nose. The stench of sour salt and dirt surrounded the air. To know you’re being dominated by a simple smell was… humiliating to say the least.

“You’re gonna lick my feet. We’re going on the honor system here. I hope I don’t need to watch you the whole time. If you run…”

She lifted her left foot from the floor, and gently scrunched her toes  several times.

“Well, you’ll end up like what’s his name in my flat. He’s been there for days.”

Carla looked back to the insole. He was emaciated. Jude probably wasn’t lying when she said he’s been there for days, he’d likely hadn’t been fed in awhile. But, people can’t survive long without water. It was likely the mant was drinking Jude’s sweat to survive.

“I’m not feeling anything down there,” she impatiently said, “Am I gonna need more tape?”

“O-Oh!” Carla said. She jogged forward to meet with the woman’s foot flesh.

She stood under her massive toes, the smell grew stronger. Her feet were a little dry, but there were a few spots where they remained moist.

“Holy shit, I’m gonna fuckin’ eat you. Just lick my fuckin’ feet, alright?” Her voice boomed from afar.

Carla’s fear grew exponentially. The last thing she wanted to do was anger Jude. Quickly, she began her worship. Planting her lips on Jude’s thick toes before shoving her tongue through her mouth and slathering the flesh with her saliva. Every wrinkle was invaded by the mant’s tongue.

“There you go,” Jude said, her toes twitching, “Meeting my expectations, good little girl.”

For the next thirty minutes, Carla worshiped the giant’s feet as passionately as she could. Perhaps she did it too well because of what would happen next.

Jude ascended to her knees, her feet still within Carla’s reach. She turned around, a satisfied smirk on her face seeing the mant woman devoting herself to her dirty feet.

“Pretty good down there, bug.” She spoke in monotone.

Jude reached over to the flat where the human insole was trapped. She pinched her fingers around him and yanked him from his harness. He screamed, from pain and fear both.

Without saying a word, no taunts or humiliation tactics, Jude placed him gently on her tongue. The mant continued screaming, but his voice was weak and hoarse.

“Don’t do this,” he pleaded, “I did everything right, I followed your every order!”

She pulled her tongue back into her mouth and gently rolled him around inside. Jude gathered more and more saliva… the man became completely coated. But that wasn’t all.

After about a minute, a curious look crossed her face. She stuck her fingers in her mouth and pulled him from her mouth. He dangled lifelessly like a ragdoll. He was dead.

“Oh shit!” She laughed, “He fuckin’ drowned! That’s hilarious.”

Tears welled up in Carla’s eyes. Was this her future? Worshiping and obeying every command of her owner, only to be discarded randomly? To drown in Jude’s saliva?

“Anyway…” She finally said, her giggles subsiding.

Jude put the corpse back in her mouth and chewed. After a harsh pop sound, he would be swallowed.

She rubbed the little bits of blood from her teeth with a finger before turning back to Carla.

“Aight,” she said, picking her up. “That’s your future if you don’t do what I say, ‘kay?”

Carla nodded desperately. But she knew, deep down, Jude was lying. She was going to die by the giant’s teeth eventually.

Jude picked up the flat and dropped Carla inside. Horrified, the mant could only watch as the giant’s toes slid tightly into the shoe. She was trapped, and the closest she could ever get to the woman’s feet.

Carla was a slave.



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