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“Is she still there?” Megan asked.

“Shh!” Shushed Landon, “If this chick hears us there’s no telling what she’ll do!”

Megan shrugged, “S-She doesn’t seem so bad, right? She looks sweet—”

“She’s a giant,” he growled, “And we’re diminished. You know what that means.”

The two mants watched the red-headed girl frolic around, taking her time to enjoy nature. They didn’t know much about her, save for the fact she was here often. That was a problem for the ‘wild’ mants, as they made their home in a burrow nearby.

The ground shook as she skipped and hopped around some leaves, her dirty bare feet slamming into the ground with each step. Alarmingly, she was inching closer and closer to the mant couple’s little hiding spot within some tall blades of grass.

“W-We should make a run for it!” Megan held on tightly to Landon’s arm. She was afraid.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he said, “She might see us.”

“What do we do then?!”

“Wait it out!”

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.


Megan tackled her husband, narrowly dodging the giant’s foot which had decimated their hiding spot.

“What the—” a high pitched voice wondered above.

The mants looked up. Up past the vast highway that was the girl’s legs, past her green dress and her green jacket. What felt like miles above them; her face, a brow raised.

“DON’T KILL US!” Megan screamed.

“Oh my gosh!” She gasped lightheartedly, “Little forest creatures, hii! So cute! I’m Lily!!”

The giant bent down, plucking the terrified couple from the ground. She didn’t tote them for long; only to a nearby fallen log near a rocky cliff. She sat down, placing the couple in front of her.

They watched as her two feet slid close. Before long, they were cornered by the giant’s massive, dirty soles.

“Oh my god, this is it, we’re going to die…” Landon muttered.

“Aw, my babies are so scared… I won’t stomp you if you lick my feet!” She spoke in an overly cutesy voice, as if talking to a small dog.

“W-We have to do as she says,” Landon stuttered.

“I am not licking a foot!” Megan shouted, “I want to die with my dignity if I have to!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Meg, just do as the giant says!”

“Do we have a widdle rebel?” She asked, a genuine smile across her face. “That’s okay!”

Lily’s right foot slid toward Megan, who screamed in terror. She pushed the mant over with her big toe, and planted her foot firmly on top. Landon could hear his wife’s muffled screams as she struggled against the smelly oppressor.


“Aw, baby, I’d love not to, but she has to do as I ask, okay?” She said sweetly, “Hey, if you can hear me under there, plant a biiiig lick on my foot if you agree. If not, well, you can stay under there!”

Megan, her tears mixing with the dirt from Lily's foot flesh, gave in. She didn’t want to die. Not here, not underneath a foot. She licked. But the foot did not budge. So, she licked again. And again. And again.

The foot eventually moved.

“Oh my god!” Megan gasped desperately for the fresh wooded air, but most of what she could breathe in came from Lily’s feet. “Oh my god!”

“Are you okay?!” Landon crouched next to his wife, hugging her tightly. “My love, are you alright?”

Megan only cried.

“Okaayy,” Lily said from above, impatience in her voice. “Start licking my feet little babies, or I’ll have to smother you under them.”

The two mants looked up, defeated and heartbroken. They did as the giant asked, as it was their only option. And thus began their new lives as Lily’s pets. They’d be taken back to her home, shoved in cages… But at least the couple were together. For now.



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