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Anthony and Marietta never really had much of a relationship. They were friendly to one another, of course, but it was never much deeper than that. She was older than him, so they didn’t go to school together. Not a lot of commonality in their interests, either. She ended up moving away once Anthony began High School.

A lot happened in between her leaving and the present day. Their mother, recently widowed, became very sick. Anthony forgoed college after graduating so he could take care of her for as long as she had left.

Her passing wasn’t the only tragedy in Anthony’s life. Not long after that, he found out his diminutive gene had activated. He was the only one in his immediate family who had it, and had always dreaded the day it would take hold. But for it to happen right after his mother’s passing? The universe must’ve been testing him.

Shrinking was slow, methodical. Torturous. It became very clear within a year, he would be no bigger than an inch or two. And, in his situation, there was no way he could take care of himself. His doctor recommended going under the Diminutive Guardian program. Usually, shrinkees would be delivered to relatives. If no relatives are available, they’re sent to foster guardians.

He sat for five days awaiting the call to fly out. There was no way of knowing if his sister would accept the role of guardian, they barely spoke. Truth be told, he was under the impression she never liked him all that much. Nevertheless, he needed to think positively. Six months ago, he was six foot three. Now? Five foot one.

Luckily, the call came through. Marietta had accepted the proposal to take care of her shrinking brother. He purchased a ticket on an airline and flew out to San Francisco, where his sister lived and worked as a lawyer.

He stood outside the airport, a single suitcase behind him. What clothes he did have would eventually become obsolete, so why pack all of it?

A rather nice, beige car pulled up beside him. Out came Marietta, far taller than he remembered. He was always her little brother, but now he really was little compared to her. Feeling like a kid standing next to an adult.

“Hello Anthony,” she said calmly, pulling him close in a hug. “How’re you feeling?”

“A lot of mixed feelings,” he replied, “But, I am happy to see you. And thank you again.”

“Of course,” she said. “Let’s get home.”

Anthony mourned his old life back home. Here he was in a city he knew nothing about, people he’d never known, save for his sister, and his life was only going to get harder. He was fully aware of what life could be like for mants. He’d seen the abuses they’d face. How thousands disappear every year… But hopefully he’d be safe under the care of Marietta.

For a while, life was relatively normal. After all, he was still a giant, just a short one. Marietta was relentlessly busy, day after day. The house ended up being mostly him alone most of the time.

It took three short months for him to shrink to completion. He called Marietta, using his mant sized phone, in a deep depression. She knew immediately it’d happened.

He put on some tiny clothes he’d purchased so he wouldn’t have to sit around naked all day. Marietta didn’t really seem to be in a hurry to get home. But, she lived a busy life.

“Anthony?” He heard her voice call.

“Marietta, I’m on the couch!” He yelled, though he wasn’t sure if she could hear him.

Booming footsteps approached ever closer. Marietta entered the living room, wearing tight leggings and a sleeveless top. She scanned the room, looking for her tiny brother. It didn’t take long for her to find him.

“There you are,” she said, an empathetic smile on her face. “How’re you feeling?”

Anthony shrugged. “What can I say? I’m like a doll now.”

Marietta sat down next to him on the couch. The dip in the fabric knocked him off his feet; something he’d need to get used to at this size.

“It’s okay,” she said, petting Anthony on the head with a fingertip.

“I knew this would happen. But, I-I’m just scared. I dunno. Maybe I just won’t leave the house anymore.”

Marietta removed her sneakers and laid back on the couch. It freaked little Anthony out, as he now had little to no personal space. Her legs laid casually on either side of him. Surrounded.

“I-I can move if you need me—”

“No, that’s okay.” She interrupted. “Just stay there.”

The giant slid her left leg up, leaving her foot looming over him.

“Woah, what’re you doing?” Anthony was alarmed.

“I’ve had a really, really busy day. I’ve let you stay here, rent free. I’m giving you an inch of responsibility. From now on, whenever I get home, you’re going to lick my feet—”

“WHAT?! NO—”

“You’re going to lick my feet, every night. Also,” Marietta leaned forward and grabbed hold of her brother. She quickly ripped the clothes from his body, easily overcoming whatever struggle he put up with. “Mants don’t wear clothes in my house.”

“Is this why you accepted to look after me?! To get a pet?!”

She put him back down, sliding her foot even closer to her brother.

The looming foot was doused in sweat. Pieces of dirt dotting it’s fleshy landscape, some in the open, some buried deep in the meaty wrinkles. The smell was as strong as the heat burning off it.

“Anthony,” she commanded. “Lick. My. Foot.”

Life as a mant was just as horrible as he thought it’d be. Overwhelming. Humiliating. Hopeless.



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