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“ATTENTION ALL GIANT MOMS!” She read, “A new scientific study has CONFIRMED a new use for mants! They are great for both MENTAL health as well as PHYSICAL health! KEEP YOUR MANTS AT YOUR FEET! We are all deserving of the best health we can get! That’s what mants are here for!”

“Mom, please listen to us!” Steven cried, “You can’t believe everything you read on Facebook!”

“He’s right Mom!” Lacey added, “Please! Give us back our things! It’s not true, we’re still people!”

“I mean, everybody is saying the same thing,” Melanie said, “You two dropped out of college, you’re going to pull your weight however I want you to. You need responsibility.”

“We dropped out because we shrank!” Steven yelled, “A-And this isn’t responsibility, you’re turning us into your little pets! We’re people! Please, think about what you’re doing!”

The giant peeked over her laptop screen to look at her two mants. It’s strange, they look and sound like her kids. But, looking at them, she can’t help but feel they aren’t even of the same species.

“There was another article I read,” the giant said, “About how the emergence of mants is a God given gift for us to remind us of how powerful we are,”

“This is crazy!” Lacey said, “That’s some crazy religious nut shit!”

“Honey, I’m just telling you what I’ve read,” Melanie replied, her gargantuan toes wiggling above the mants.

The two siblings shrunk around the same time, in their second years of college. It wasn’t the family’s first run in with the diminutive disease, however. Their father shrank a few years ago too, but quickly met his end when their mother consumed him to end an argument.

“I’ll have no more of this. Lick my feet while I look at my computer.” She commanded.

“Y-Your feet are dirty!” Lacey said.

Melanie sighed, placing her laptop to the side. She stuck her fingers in her mouth and sloshed, gathering saliva. Lacey knew what came next. The giant leaned forward, pushing her spit-covered hand past her two soles and slamming them into her tiny daughter. She rubbed vigorously, covering her entire body in the slimy substance.

“Do you want to join your sister, Steven?” Melanie asked.

He shook his head.

The two mants gathered themselves and began to lick the moist, dirty heels of their giant owner. That’s what Melanie had become to them, an owner.

After a few minutes of licking, pausing only to spit the dirt from their mouths, Melanie dropped her powerful feet on either side of the mants. The fleshy walls moved toward one another, trapping the shrunken siblings within until they became sandwiched.

“This one comment said to get over her kids shrinking she swallowed them, that way they can be a part of her forever.” While talking, Melanie was rubbing her kids between her feet and overwhelming their senses. “See? That’s exactly what happened with your father. He’s not gone, just with me forever.”

“Let— urg, us go!” Steven struggled to speak.

“Please!” Lacey added.

“You two are only going to prolong this until you start doing as I say,” she said.

Steven, with his anger reaching a breaking point, bit down as hard as he could on his mother’s toe.

“Ow!” She flinched, pushing her laptop away. “Steven!”

She leaned forward and plucked him from her feet. While dangling, he cursed obscenities at the giant ‘till he was out of breath.

“What a way to talk to your mother,” Melanie shook her head.

Before he could continue his rant, the giant threw him into her wet mouth. If it worked with her husband, it could work with his son.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” Steven shouted, struggling against the massive tongue that sought to taste every inch of him.

“Ahding yew to my bahdy,” she said, mouthful of mant.

“STEVEN, NO!” Lacey shouted, still standing between her mother’s feet.


Down he went. Within hours, he would dissolve in her stomach and die. Or, as she viewed it, become one with her body.

“You killed him…” Lacey sat on her knees, sobbing. “You killed my brother!”

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic!” Melanie scoffed, placing her daughter in between the ball of her foot and toes, scrunching. “Only children get more attention anyway, you should be happy!”



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