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Becky begged and pleaded with the giants to let her go  home, to send her back on a plane to her family… but there was a  problem. The giants didn’t speak her language.

She’d been shipped over to the states alongside a couple of mant  colonies that’d been captured and subsequently sold. Unlike the people  from those colonies, Becky was not unregistered. She’d been kidnapped from her home and thrown in with them.

Now? Becky was… somewhere in Japan. She’s never been, obviously, she  didn’t recognize the city. But there were people… giants… everywhere.

A man and a woman were holding her captive in some room with just a  couch, some abstract paintings, a coffee table, a few plants… It wasn’t a  home, or an apartment. It looked to be some chic meeting room.

The woman, wearing a casual cardigan, leggings and flats, seemed to  have this air of youthful confidence about her. She was beautiful. The  man was dressed more formally, and seemed to be rather close with her.

Were they a couple? It didn’t seem so. Maybe just friends?

What  Becky couldn’t have known was that she was practically among royalty.  Tashiro Kasumi, a famous Japanese singer turned actress, and her  manager, Uyehara Ken. Kasumi was a huge celebrity, and with an open  secret; owner of mants.

While mant slavery was  rampid in the United States, there was still a sizeable population of  mants that were ‘free.’ In Japan, however? The concept of ‘free’ mants  didn’t exist. If you were shrunken in Japan, you had no human rights. No  one would fight to keep you safe. No one. Pet stores sold mants on the  shelves. Lots of them were Japanese natives, but a huge portion were  imported from other countries. Something Kasumi preferred to do.

The  language barrier insured the mant knew there was no bargaining to do  with their owner. The only communication between her and her pets would  be whatever order she could bark at them, either with hand gestures, or  the limited English she’d bother to speak.

“Where do you want these?” Ken asked her.

He  held onto a glass box containing three mants, one of them being Becky.  They smacked and pushed at the glass, but there was no getting out.

“Give me one,” Kasumi ordered. “I think I’ll take the blonde one.”

Ken nodded, plucking Becky from the glass prison. He handed the mant to the giant woman and gently sat the box on the table.

Becky, trapped in the woman’s soft palm, screamed for mercy.

“PLEASE!” She shouted, tears streaming from her eyes. “PLEASE, I JUST WANT TO GO HOME, PLEASE!”

From her perspective, the woman shook her head and said something in Japanese. Ken said something back, with a shrug.

Kasumi  brought her to her mouth and gave her a lick, a practice commonplace  for breaking in your mants. She licked and licked, ignoring the tiny  woman’s cries. She only ceased once Becky seemed to tire herself out.

The  giant planted Becky onto the floor before removing her socks. She  stretched her legs out, trapping her between her bare feet and a couple  of massive pillows. There was nowhere to flee. Exactly where Kasumi  wanted her.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” She lacked the strength to get up from the floor.

Kasumi wiggled her toes in an exaggerated fashion. “Lick,” she said in English.

Her wrinkled sole towered above her, while the meaty toes on her other foot inched closer.

“NO!” She screamed. “NO, NO, NO, NO! NEVER, YOU STUPID BITCH!”

Kasumi  rolled her eyes at her pet’s disobedience. She turned to her manager,  saying something in an irritated voice. He shook his head reluctantly  and stood up from the couch.


Ken  dropped his sole over Becky, gently grinding her into the floor. The  scent and pressure was completely overwhelming. She tried to push up,  but couldn’t. He lifted his foot, and stepped again. And then again.

After a few seconds, he slid his foot down her body, placing her head  between his big and index toe and scrunched. Toying with her. Putting  her in her place.

Kasumi raised her hand and repeated the same word or phrase a couple  of times, as if saying ‘Okay, okay, okay,’ Ken complied and removed his  foot.

Becky, clinging  onto consciousness, stood up a changed woman. As Kasumi spread her toes,  the mant walked inbetween them and began licking the inside. Little  bits of sweat, dirt, and gunk was getting in her mouth, but she’d do  anything to avoid getting tortured.

After a few excruciatingly silent minutes of licking and worshiping  the feet of the giant actress, Kasumi and Ken went about on a  conversation. She assumed they were talking about her, or the other  mants trapped in the box. But the truth? They were simply discussing  upcoming movie projects she’d been signed on for… as if Becky wasn’t  beneath her licking for dear life.

What a pathetic existence she now lived.



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