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Hey friends, just wanted to post up here with some honesty, as I like to do, and as I think you deserve. I am feeling quite burnt out on dealing with all of the worst people in politics all day every day. My life is still pretty friggin good, don't get me wrong, but the constant hammering on my brain with the worst and most evil opinions has sort of skewed my view of humanity and the world. And it just makes me feel bad a lot. 

My biggest concern is that you all came here based on that exact thing, so I worry that if I switch the content up on here, then I will lose my support and my ability to support myself. I'm not really sure what I will do, and I often go back and fourth on this stuff, but I just wanted to give you the heads up that things might change on here. I have some good ideas for some fun and funny shit, and I hope if it does switch away from politics, you all will give me a chance to show you that the page will still be worthwhile. 

Thanks for allowing me to make me living doing dumb shit, it means a lot!




No worries. Go for it.


i’ll continue supporting you in whatever you make! you’re my fav creator


so much support in the comments and it really means the world to me right now! Bless you all.


Very late to this but I’m with everyone else - I’m in it for the long haul! You’re fuckin incredible comic with awesome comedic instincts- do what feels right!


You work so damn hard to make us laugh . Take it easy champ on those soul sucking ghouls . Prank some left wingers like Sam , Street Fight Radio, and Matt Binder. They all have call ins in their shows.


Youre a funny ass dude. im sure i'll stick around. you cant deal with these red hosts all the time. i get it. if i had to talk to ed tyll, i'd probably want to jump off a bridge


That makes a ton of sense Chris. Politics is bad. Thank you for bringing some funny to it for so long. I think you're hilarious in all kinds of genres and formats and I'm excited to see what you do next. Peace and Love


Hi Chris, I really enjoy your content and I'll be interested in anything you create. You're really talented and have brought us a lot of laughs. Whatever you decide i will have your back.


big man chris you do what you gotta rough guy. found you through the v man vic and have to say you're one of the best things on the www so whatever you do mate we'll watch. neas family for life x


mmc... i accept


We love you, CJ. I just reupped patreon to have back log laughs. Your pranks are the BEST. Your energy is so amazing, no matter what you do, we believe in you.


Bro just call anyone and be goofy you are funny and I am hooked