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As most of you know already, we lost one of the great ones of this world this week, as Michael Brooks sadly passed away. He was a part of the Majority Report family that brought so many of you here, and was incredibly supportive and kind about the channel. I looked up to him a lot, and felt like he was my older brother in the way I yearned for him to find me funny. He was a such a wonderful and hilarious guy and it sucks and I feel so much for his friends and family. 

I also had some bad news in my personal life a few days ago, and so with everything happening, I may not put anything out this week. I know you kind people will understand and I am already appreciative of that. 


Brendan Wheaton

Completely understandable, take all the time you need to process. We'll be here when you're ready to get back at 'er!


The world lost a giant way too soon. 😭

Mike Schneider

so sorry for your loss Chris, take all the time you need ❤️


I’m still saddened and in shock. Michael will be missed as both an activist and an entertainer. Not only was he extremely informed on something as obscure as South American politics, but he could also make you laugh hysterically while shitting on a right win grifter. The Majority Report won’t be the same without him. And Chris, best wishes to you and your loved ones.


Please take all the time you need. You are in my thoughts!


Love you Chris, you’re one of the good ones too, please take care of yourself 💚


I'm surprised by how much I'm being affected by his death... been listening to the Majority Report & TMBS for the last couple years & honestly its the only reason I found out about your show (*& yes I'm aware it's not even a show) . As a fan of all things comedy, besides his insights politically, holy shit he cracked me up. Podcasts/Youtube shows (*& yes I'm aware your show is not even a show) are strangely intimate & y'all become part of our lives. Hours & hours of listening in on interesting conversations & comedy goofs. Thanks for everything.


Feel the same about Micheal, was gutted when I heard the news. Best to you Chris.


Huge loss- he was a powerhouse and seemed just genuinely good hearted and Very sorry to hear of yr rough times and hope things turnaround for you. thank you for all you do, Chris! Your stuff has Helped me a lot getting through this time. Be well.


Love you Chris. Take care

Stateside Reds

I wish only peace and joy for you and yours.


Love you Chris, We all need a break during these trying times! Keep well and stay healthy!


Good luck Chris


Thank you Chris! Micheal Books hit me hard and like you said brought me here. I am so sorry you are going though something bad, all the good thoughts to you and your family. All this make me appreciate this show even more and how necessary it is what you do. In good time, I look forward to the next post! Please take care Chris!


So sorry pal




one love. miss him already,


Hope all is well Chris. Take care of yourself


I'm still shocked by the Michael Brooks news. He was absolutely brilliant and his impressions were hilarious. Such a terrible loss. And as for you Chris, hang in there, my friend. We love you!


Been crying for two days. Such a great guy. :( So shocking!


Much love, Chris- hope you’re well.


I'm just a fan of Michael's and I've been walking around in a fog since Monday. It sucks so bad to lose such a great guy and in such a sudden way. Wishing you the best with the other thing too.

Bill Grazier

Chris, you're one of the best out there, with a genuinely good heart, so I hope things get better, and as soon as you're ready I'm looking forward to what you have next.


So sorry chris, losing brooks is heartbreaking and not fair. Take all the time you need.


Much love, Chris. You have to know that you and Michael are both in the same boat of progressives who’re making the world a better place.


Thoughts and love your way. Thanks for all you do


It’s just cruel that a great mind is gone and so many voices of hate and insincerity live on. Somebody posted this on TMR the other day. It was perfect ... He planted trees whose shade he will Never sit in..


Love ya, take your time


Rest in power