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Hello everyone. As some of you know, i got a cirurgie on the nose to breathe better. Beyond that, he was willing to make some modifications on the bone structure that bothered me.   Im still recoverying (still breathing poorly, and very swollen), but i can draw in the process, and im kinda happy and more motivated. I FINALLY HOPE TO DRAW MORE THIS MONTH FOR GOD SAKE.




Glad to hear the good news! I eagerly await your triumphant return!


Take your time, your recovery comes first


Take as much time as you need to recover. We will all be here for you when you are ready.

Gryyxn Maxer

Yaaas kaz is back its been a while


Hope you get better soon. Also, id really like to be the guy helping her do sit ups. I can only imaging what he's going to be facing when she does.


When was getting a pic of this in my head, i was like "yeah, that is hot".


oooooooooooh yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!


Btw, i really like this style with White background, gonna explore this more after this


It's great to see you back! I pray for a safe and speedy recovery. As for the pic, Isabel looks so gorgeous pumping it up, I cant wait the see final product! Take care my man!


Glad to have you back man. Hope you make a speedy recovery!


Glad to see you’re recovering faster. Drawing shouldn’t be a problem to catch up to. And Elisabeth does need to stay in fit.


glad to hear you're recovering, i'm also glad that you're back at work too. i'm eager to see the nsfw version of this one^^