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We are here for you, Kaz! I do not think there is anything wrong with giving thought to the future, but you should do what you feel is best for yourself


Maybe try doing other art? The stuff you do besides the sexy Isabel's story is also really great. It might be therapeutic


Thanks aborígen! This quarentine is making things a little more difficult, but nothing that art cant heal.


When the quarentine is over i Will try traditional painting, It might be refreshing

Summer Alta

Very happy to support you. If there's anything more any of us can do, let us know!


just get some fresh air once in a while. sit on the porch for a couple minutes and enjoy some music.


Make sure to get fresh air and sunlight every morning, get off of your computer, get some kind of regular exercise, and try to have a long phone or video chat with someone every day. Not saying you'll feel fine, but those things will make a huge difference.


To answer your question directly. No, I don't think "it's too big". Also know that even if we value your work so much, anyone providing such pleasure to us is someone we at least start to care about, even if it's also for selfish reasons. Gotta take care of you too! We'd be stupid not to know that there's another person involved here. You. Do. Matter.

Patrick Schweigardt

Take your time. Also I think it is too big smaller and tighter is better. You get more rude guys to sit on that way lol