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Poor Isabel, she needs a place to feel comfortable in her own skin :(


You just had to make that one girl doing a duck face, didn't you, Kaz? Awesome work, though poor Isabel. I mean, with her size, she must just be putting up with this sort of thing, because she certainly has the capacity to do something about it. Even just scaring away people like this would be easy.


Thank u. Taking action against this is Very stressful, as It happens many times. So she Just learned tô be numb about It, If doesnt surpass certain limits


It's obviously a different kind of struggle, but people swarming Isabel reminds me of how people reacted in college when they saw me hallucinating, or talking to people who weren't there. There was a lot of concern, but also a lot of people who tried to poke at me like a carnival attraction. Seeing your art like this oddly soothing, even if the events are fictional. Makes me feel like I might not be alone.


"look at the foockin' size of 'em"