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     New painting in 2-3 days! As my patrons voted, it i will be isabel and her sister taking a shower outside. I will make sure to make this one really great, we will be able to see Isabel full Body for the first Time, and she is gorgeous. Maybe it can be out in 4 days due the complexity, it will have more elements than usual, but i will try to delivered for you guys in 3 days.

   The Real support that you guys are giving to me that made this possible. It will be a pleasure to thank you everyday. We already reach 40% of our goal, we are almost there and im very excited...this will be my Full-Time job!

About the tutorials and videos with commentary, im still thinking how i can do that without taking the time of my paintings, and my energy. Because i want to make the paintings my focus here, so it need 100% of my energy. I already did one, but it turned out kinda confusing so i took it off.  Every content here for you need to be good, so probably i ll buy a new mic ( the one i got recently is terrible) and learn more about editing.

Have you all a nice day. The next painting will be awesome! (even more the NSFW version).


Achi Baya

Hey excited for your new piece. A quick suggestion/request with the videos and stuff. I would love it even if it was just a time-lapse of you making your lovely art work. And possible just having minor tip and headers on illustration and art in general while you are working on new stuff just. And updates would be really cool as well. Sorry if this is a lot I just thought the time lapse will consume less time and energy while the art tips posts will still give us an insight into you amazing mind and artistry.


This next piece will have a time lapse c: And i will record commentaries in the time lapses i already have here. The money i got i will buy a new mic too( another one, a little more expensive). About minor art tips while i work on stuff, would be really interesting. I will do that. Thanks for the suggestions Achi. A lot is about to come!


Looking forward to it!