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 I will always try to make you guys informed about me, or what im about. 

Videos with comentary and tutorials  will be made as soon my Microfone arrive.

I have been thinking in maintaining a good schedule, with Paintings to post in every 2-3 days, with the Time lapse videos with and without comentary.  It would be nice to organize all this since now i have a responsabily with you.

About the polls, im still thinking in a manner to you guys participate, but since i have only a few patreons, the polls in this moment wouldnt be very effective. Maybe when i reach 10 patrons.

 I didnt start the next painting yet, still thinking. But my objetictive with the next paintings is to improve the design of the clothes/outfit, trying to  attain a more conteporary look, giving it a more important role to increase their appeal. This probably would make more people resonate with my art. Get back and serious about using color is a priority too.

About NSFW art, i still not prepared. When i reach 10k followers on instagram will be a good time. 

I hope you guys have a nice day.


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