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Hello! I've got an idea I'm curious to try out. 

So the current video-in-progress, The Animation of Sonic Frontiers, is proceeding apace (that 4-day workweek is doing wonders), but I also want to start exploring some smaller and/or alternative video format ideas to see how they're received. One of those potential format ideas is to make shorter videos answering folks' questions about game animation! It's always very easy for me to forget what is and isn't common knowledge about my profession, and this seems like it could potentially be a great way to enable you good folks to propose some cool episode topics.

So do you have any questions about game animation you'd like a video to answer? If so, ask them in this form below!


Feel free to ask as many as you like, and about any game animation topic! It can be broad, or it can be super specific. It can be about a specific game, a specific animation in a game, or about the art of game animation in general. It can be about working in the industry, about animation craft, about common misconceptions or controversies... whatever you're curious to know. And if I end up making a video about the question you proposed, I'll of course credit you in the video itself.

Again, I should stress that this is a test-run of an idea! If it doesn't work out, I'll just move on and try something else. Either way, I'm looking forward to reading what sorts of questions y'all have!

Thanks everyone, and happy Monday!



Wait... maybe I'm out of loop but the Sonic Frontiers video is the currently in progress? What happened to the Final Fantasy animation series?


Final Fantasy series is still in progress! I decided to start slotting some other videos into the mix, partly because I needed time to record better footage for FF5 and FF6, but also so that the channel isn't just All Final Fantasy All the Time for years on end :P


I think I have just the thing that could be an interesting topic, submitted! Let’s get you out of the Sonic mines.