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Hey there! I hope you're having a lovely February.

Mine's been a little chaotic, largely because we're preparing for an international move. As I'm sure some of you are painfully aware, immigrating across a border tends to make moving house 10x more complicated and time-consuming, so I'll be happy if I have everything up and running in our new apartment this time next month.

All that to say: I won't be properly set up to do a Q&A stream this month. Apologies! Fortunately, unless something goes very wrong indeed, we should be able to resume our monthly stream schedule as normal in March.

My room lighting might even be half-decent for the first time! Imagine.

Thanks for everything, and I'll see you all from our new place next month! 



Gregory M

WOW international?!? Man I can't even imagine the annoyance that will be immigrating. I hope it goes smoothly of course.


Good luck with moving!