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Hey everyone! It's been a little bit since my last update, so I figured I'd let you know what I've currently got in the works.

Next Episode(s)

I've actually got TWO videos in progress, but the one I'm currently hardest at work on is My Favorite Game Animation of 2021.

I really wanted to have the Favorites video done before January, but crunching on both it and the FF3 video in the run up to Christmas burned me out bad, so I forced myself to rest for the holiday instead. Of course, I probably wouldn't have finished it in time anyway, because this Favs video is PACKED. Most years I only talk about 12-13 games, but this one mentions nearly 30 (for reasons that will make sense when you see it). Hopefully it will be good enough to make up for the delay!

Once that video is complete, I'll be jumping right back to where I left off on The Animation of Final Fantasy III. The script is done and the footage is all recorded, so things should hopefully move pretty quickly. Which is good, because I am SO EAGER to start talking about the 16-bit era.


I've actually been doing a lot of work preparing NES game sprites for use in these videos! 

Though sites like spriters-resource.com have been super valuable, I've found that the sprite sheets available there aren't always 100% reliable... some poses aren't entirely accurate to what appears in the game, other poses are completely missing, and color palettes across different sheets tend to be wildly inconsistent. So I've been working to manually correct these inaccuracies as I prepare the full list of poses to be featured in each video. And FF3's introduction of the Job System means that this particular entry has a LOT of poses to go through, so the process has taken a while!

If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to share the sprite .psd files I've been putting together for these videos later! I won't claim that my edited sprite collection is flawless either, but it's getting darned close. Maybe some of you would find them useful? Let me know if having access to those files interests you!

Fun though this sprite work has been, I will be happy when this series finally reaches the 3D games and cuts down on all this preproduction work. XD

That's mostly it! Feel free to ask questions in the comments if you have any. And I hope your 2022 is going great so far!



I’m glad you took the break =) Looking forward to the videos, and would absolutely love to get access to the sprite sheets if possible!


Ok, once this FF3 video is about done, I'll get the sprites into an organized, sharable state for everyone here!

Addie S.

Can't wait for the videos! I mean, *figuratively* can't wait, take your time and all