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At long last, the Sonic video is released! I hope you've all enjoyed it. :D

Now that the monster is put to rest, I thought it might be a good time for a big update post!

Sonic Episode Postmortem

The Sonic video ended up being WAY bigger than I originally planned, as you might have surmised. I'm super proud of how it turned out, but it was exhausting to get it to the finish line, and I don't think releasing feature-length videos twice a year is a great way to build a channel audience, so I don't plan to make more two-hour episodes in the future. XD

That said, series retrospectives are some of my favorite topics to tackle! I just want to be smarter about how I go about them. Perhaps by examining a smaller subset of animations across a franchise's history, or by splitting the broad retrospective analysis into a series of videos rather than one giant one (which is what I plan to do for the Final Fantasy animation retrospective). We'll see...

New Gear

There have been some new equipment acquisitions over the course of this episode's production!

First, I now possess a Dreamcast, which I used to capturing footage from both Sonic Adventure games. I often prefer capturing footage from original hardware when I can, so it's nice having another retro console on hand.

Also, I've finally procured a PlayStation 5, which is a relief! Good to know that I can get footage from this year's Sony exclusives if needed.

And finally, I have a new microphone for recording narration! The old Samson C0-1U has served me well for many years, but I decided it's long past time for an upgrade. All New Frame Plus episodes from here on will be recorded with my new Rode NT1.

These upgrades and additions are largely possible thanks to your support, so thanks for helping me to improve the quality of the show!

Future Episodes

Now that Sonic is finally put to rest, I can start looking to the next project. 

Chances are good that I'll do another 12 Principles video next, just to keep that series inching along. But I'm also eager to get started on the Final Fantasy series! Despite how tiring the Sonic video was to complete, retrospectives are just so fun.

I'm also (eventually) hoping to figure out a shorter episode format for the channel to supplement all these longer series. I'm sure there's SOME way to make short, quick videos to release alongside the rest without sacrificing quality or entertainment value, but I haven't figured it out yet. I'll crack it eventually. :P

Taking a Break

And finally, I've decided I need a break! Finishing the Sonic video really took it out of me, so I'm going to force myself to take a month or two off. Focus on some other projects, play some games, get some rest, etc.

Of course, charging you folks monthly payments while I'm not actually working on anything seems silly, so I'm temporarily pausing monthly payments for this Patreon while the break lasts. Don't worry, you folks shouldn't have to do anything different as a result of this! You simply won't be charged for the next month or so, with regular monthly charges resuming once I'm back to work on the next episode. I'll be sure to let you know before those payments resume, just so the charge doesn't come as a sudden surprise.

(The monthly Q&A streams will continue during this time, though, so if you're supporting for $5 or more, you're welcome to join me for those!)

I think that's everything! If you have any questions at all, feel free to post them below. Thanks so much for supporting this series! I look forward to getting back to new videos once I'm all rested up. :)


Lauriz Anne Bonzon

I've been subbed to your channel for about a year or more, but I came and patron-ed because of that video because goddamn, that was so much work and so educational (I've never even played Sonic but now I know so much lol). You deserve a good vacation after that! (Also the bit about appeal made me laugh because I sometimes teach an animation class for kids and I *also* use the two Sonic movie character designs to basically go 'this one is appealing, this one is not...any questions?')


I've admired your work for the longest time and I've considered joining your Patreon a few times but I never went through with it for some reason, but that video made me want to support you in any way I can so here I am.