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Happy October! I thought I'd catch you all up on what I'm currently working on.

My next video is about the animation in Sonic the Hedgehog games, and it's looking to be the biggest I've made yet. I'll be looking at 25 different Sonic games - from the 16-bit original all the way up to Forces - and examining the wild variation in animation quality over that history. It should be fun!

Of course, this requires playing and recording all 25 of those games, which has been somewhat less fun, but still educational. I've even taken this opportunity to finally acquire a Sega Dreamcast and optimize my upscaler setup for that specific hardware. It took a bit of effort (and too much money), but the results are looking good!

I'm about halfway through the recording process and have been taking copious notes. I still haven't figured out exactly how I want to structure the episode itself, but it's almost definitely going to be a LONG video. As such, it will probably end up taking longer than usual to complete, but I hope the results will be worth the wait!

If you're curious, these are the games I'm planning to cover (though the list is subject to change):

1991 - Sonic the Hedgehog

1991 - Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit)

1992 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit)

1992 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2

1993 - Sonic CD

1993 - Sonic Chaos

1993 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3

1994 - Sonic & Knuckles

1995 - Knuckles' Chaotix

1996 - Sonic 3D Blast

1998 - Sonic Adventure

2001 - Sonic Adventure 2

2003 - Sonic Heroes

2005 - Shadow the Hedgehog

2006 - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

2007 - Sonic & the Secret Rings

2008 - Sonic Unleashed

2009 - Sonic & the Black Knight

2010 - Sonic the Hedgehog 4

2010 - Sonic Colors

2011 - Sonic Generations

2013 - Sonic Lost World

2014 - Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

2017 - Sonic Mania

2017 - Sonic Forces

So yeah, that's what I'm up to lately. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Stay safe out there!


Kira Stegner

I know this is a little off topic, but I like your game console setup. I've just moved so I'm trying to find a good piece of furniture to set my stuff up on. I like the multiple cubbies.


I believe it was an Ikea thing? It usually looks at least slightly neater than this, but all this retro console recording has necessitated pulling a bunch of additional systems out of closets.

Leo M. R.

Nothing much to say, except: Dan, you mad lad. And Carrie, you mad lass.