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Hey everyone! II've decided to streamline this Patreon's reward tier structure a bit. Here's a quick video detailing the adjustments!

I'll be putting these changes into effect over the next day or two. If you decide you'd like to adjust your monthly support amount, you should still have plenty of time to do so before next month starts!

Thank you for both your time and support. If you have any questions at all, I'm happy to answer them in the comments below.


Upcoming Patreon Tier Changes!

Hello! I'm going to be making some adjustments to the reward tier structure for this Patreon, and I would like to tell you about them. :)



Tbh, I was originally at the $8 tier but didn't find the WIP particularly rewarding so I went down to the $5 tier so I could still take part in the Q&A's. I'm glad you ended up streamlining that!!


Will you be reposting the suggestion form, or putting it in an easy-to-find place on the Patreon so we can always make suggestions when they strike us?


Yes, I'm going to try to post links to the form periodically so it doesn't vanish in to the archive.