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Happy February!

Upcoming Episodes

The next episode, The Animation of Phoenix Wright (or The Animation of Ace Attorney, I can't decide) is nearly complete! I should have a WIP render ready for $8 patrons in the next day or so. This one took a LOT longer than I expected, but I'm happy with how it's turning out and I hope you will be too.

Fortunately, the scripts for the next two episodes, Anticipation - The Twelve Principles of Animation in Games and The Animation of Monster Hunter are both written already, so I'm hoping the turnaround on those will be faster!

And after that, it will be time for another patron-requested episode! More on that topic in a moment.

The Next Live Q&A

The next stream will take place on February 16th at 11AM Pacific. I look forward to hanging out!

Patron-requested Episodes

I want to make a slight adjustment to how these are handled! The intent with patron-requested episodes from the start was that they were to meant to be:

1. more narrowly-focused than regular episodes, usually on just one single animation.

2. a little easier and faster to produce.

3. released more frequently, thus allowing y'all to pick topics more often!

As you might be able to tell, none of those things have happened haha. If anything, the requested episodes have been getting bigger. This Phoenix Wright episode turned into a beast, with footage capture alone requiring 30-something hours, minimum. I'm proud of how all these have been turning out, but I REALLY want to be able to make these more quickly, both for the sake of channel growth and to give you folks more chances to pick topics!

So, in order to facilitate that, I'm renewing my efforts to prevent scope creep. I'm going to try to make the next three patron-requested episodes be about one single animation, as originally intended, and I'm going to try to get those videos made more quickly. Once those next three are out, we can see how we feel about the results. Sound good?

We're a little ways off from the next topic suggestion survey, but be thinking about what sort of animations you'd like to see a video about! I'm excited to start fulfilling more of those requests. :D

And that's about it! Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks everyone!



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