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Happy December!

Upcoming Episodes

I've shuffled plans around slightly! The two episodes I'm currently working on are The Animation of Phoenix Wright and My Favorite Game Animation of 2019.

I'm aiming to have both episodes ready before the end of the year, but odds are that the Phoenix Wright episode will slip into January. Part of the reason for this is that gathering footage for it has proven time consuming haha. Getting a satisfactory number of clips of witness reactions and breakdowns will basically require recording the Phoenix Wright Trilogy in its entirety, which - even using a walkthrough - takes a while! I think it'll be a time investment worth making, though, especially for an episode so many of y'all have requested!

The other reason for the delays is that I'm also hard at work preparing for Magfest things! More details on that below.

The Next Live Q&A

Let's plan on doing the next stream on December 15th at 11AM Pacific. We had a pretty big crowd for the last one, which was a blast! I look forward to hanging out again. :D


So I'm planning to be at Magfest this year, and I'm currently scheduled to give a talk! The topic: The History of Final Fantasy Animation. Some of you will recognize that as the topic of a series I've been planning for the channel for years. In this panel, I'll be condensing that mega series into one hour! A speedrun, basically.

If you can make it, I'd love to see y'all there! If not, don't you worry: a much more robust version of this talk is planned for the channel. Think of this panel as a 1/20th scale model for a future full-size series to come. :D

And that's about it! I hope y'all have a great end to 2019. Let me know if you have any questions!



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