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Happy November!

Upcoming Episodes

The Hollow Knight episode will be going live just as soon as subtitles are in! I'm really happy with it and had a grand time working on it. :D

In the meantime, I'm beginning work on the next 12 Principles episode, Anticipation. Long-time fans will recall that - just like Timing and Squash & Stretch - this is a topic I covered once before back in this channel's predecessor series, Extra Frames. I've learned a lot since then, though, and I'm excited to improve upon what I made last time. And even more exciting is the fact that, after this one, it's on to principles I've never ever made a video about! So that'll be fun.

After that one's done, it'll be time for another patron-selected topic! I'll start taking suggestions for that one shortly after the Hollow Knight video goes live.

The Next Live Q&A

It's almost time for another Q&A stream! This time, let's plan on November 17th at 11AM Pacific. I'd like to try doing the stream on Sundays, as Saturday is usually my recording day and talking for an hour straight before recording wreaks havoc on my voice. We'll see how it goes!

Desert Bus

I'm going to be a guest at Desert Bus this year! If you aren't familiar, Desert Bus for Hope is a charity stream organized by our buddies over at Loading Ready Run. It's a delightful time and I highly recommend tuning in. I'll be there to help out this Friday and maybe a little bit of Saturday, so I may see you there!

Let me know if you have any questions!




Are you taking a turn driving on Desert Bus?


I will be watching as much as I can and look forward to seeing you on stream. It was great to see Carrie last year.