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Happy October!

The Next Q&A Stream!

Our first Q&A stream was a blast and only had one technical hiccup! The next one will be happening this weekend on Saturday, October 12th at 11:00AM PDT! I'll send out a CrowdCast link for the stream itself later this week. I'm very much looking forward to hanging out and chatting some more!

Upcoming Episodes

That Squash & Stretch episode took WAY too darned long to finish, but it's finally out and I'm happy with it! The next episode will be the winner of the most recent patron vote, which means a look at several animations in Hollow Knight! This should be pretty different from any of our past episodes and I'm excited to dig in.

After that, it'll be time for the next 12 Principles episode (Anticipation), and then it'll be time for another patron-selected topic!

I think that's about it! Let me know if you have any questions!




I shiver for the... Anticipation... episode.


I have loved watching Hollow Knight because it's a great game, and because the Play Frame series is so well presented, but I am hyped for learning more about the animation.