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The Squash & Stretch video is coming along nicely, but after that It's time for another patron-suggested episode, so y'all need to help me pick another animation to analyze!


Just like last time, once everyone has had time to submit their suggestions, I'll look through them all and hand-pick the 5 suggestions which excite me most. Then y'all will get to vote on which of those candidates becomes the next episode!

As always, here are the guidelines...

1. Your suggestion needs to be a SINGLE animation!

The point of these episodes is to focus on just a single animation, so I can't accept suggestions like "The animation in Mario Sunshine" or even "Mario's animation in Mario Sunshine". Those topics are much to broad for this sort of video. But more specific suggestions like  "Mario's FLUDD Hover in Mario Sunshine" or "Peach's acting in that one Mario Sunshine cutscene"? Those are fair game!

If you have an idea for a suggestion but you're not sure if it's specific enough, feel free to post a comment below this post and we can talk about it!

2. Tell me what excites you about this particular animation!

What makes you interested in seeing that animation analyzed? Is there something particularly cool about it? The way it looks? The way it feels when you play? Or maybe you really dislike it and think it looks/feels awful? You don't have to write your own full-blown analysis or anything, but I'm curious to hear what interests you about your suggestion!

3. Include a video clip if you have one!  **NOT REQUIRED**

I'm familiar with a lot of games, but I'm sure y'all are collectively familiar with FAR more of them.  So if you just so happen to have a YouTube clip with that animation in it, that'll help to ensure that I understand which specific animation you're referring to, and also allow me a chance to give that animation a look in advance to see if anything about it catches my eye.

But this step is not required, so don't waste hours scouring YouTube for video clips!

4. Be sure to write in your Patreon user name at the end!

This is so I can know who submitted which suggestion. If I have any questions about the animation or if your suggestion gets picked, I need to know who to reach out to.

5. You CAN suggest the same animation again!

Y'all submitted some amazing video ideas last time, and narrowing that list down to just five candidates was extremely difficult. So if yours didn't get picked last time, feel free to suggest it again! If I liked your suggestion last time, chances are high that I still want to make that episode. :D

I'll give everyone a few days to submit their suggestions, then I'll start picking candidates for the final vote. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask!



I am going to reiterate my request for the Metal Gear Solid series CQC. The reason this interests me is that it involves not just a single character, but rather two humanoid characters in reciprocating motion with each other, which doesn't seem to be all that common. Further, it's an animation that involves a great deal of blending (going into a hold, then going from a hold into one of several different sets.) While not an analysis of the animation itself, Polygon did have a good exploration of the martial arts techniques that CQC demonstrates. It's mostly covering a cutscene, but the interactive animations are probably more interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nYFsaZYMTQ


Oh yeah, that's a solid suggestion! Don't forget to submit it via the form so it's an official candidate!


I've been wracking my brain since becoming a Patron trying to think of which Bayonetta animation I'd like to suggest.I'm currently stuck on: 1. Her dodge animation 2. Her punch > punch > kick > kick > kick combo animation (from Bayonetta 2, which differs from Bayo 1) https://youtu.be/sirNAxeHN9w?t=42 3. The rotating shooting-with-her-feet animation (moving the L-stick in circles then using Kick to shoot with her feet). Couldn't find a clip online but would be able to record and provide it. My concerns are option 1 being too simple and option 2 being too complicated, but I'm most partial towards 1 because of how well her dodge flows, especially when used mid-attack. What are your thoughts?