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Happy August!

Upcoming Episodes

Now that the Arc System Works episode is finally out, I'm  working on the next patron-requested episode about climbing in Breath of the Wild. The footage is mostly gathered and the script is coming together. It's been an interesting subject to dig into! The Zelda series has such a utilitarian approach to character animation; it rarely steals the show, but it almost ALWAYS achieves its functional goals and gives the player all the clear visual feedback they need. Should make for a good video!

Once that one is finished, I'll be moving onto the next episode in the 12 Principles series, this time covering Squash & Stretch. I'm thinking that, from this point onward (unless something changes), I'll alternate between 12 Principles videos and patron requests until we've got the full series of 12 complete. That project has already had two false starts on other channels, and I'm QUITE ready to see it through. :)

Remix Recommendations

Because I was so focused on getting that darned ArcSys video done, I ended up missing last month's recommendation post. Apologies for that! I'll write up a nice chunky one for August. :D

The Next Topic Vote

I'll probably open up the floor to suggestions for the next patron-selected topic once the Breath of the Wild Climbing episode drops. That way y'all can be picking the next video while I get Squash & Stretch done. I'm hoping to pick up the pace of video releases so y'all can get more requested videos! You've been coming up with so many good ones! Actually, on that note...

Some Tips for Future Topic Requests

I thought it might help to write up a few more tips for making topic suggestions! Just some extra guidelines to help increase the chances of getting your topic selected for the patron vote:

1. Handheld game topics are less likely to get picked!

Mostly because it's near impossible for me to capture footage from a lot of them! If you're asking for something older (like a Gameboy or GBA game), I can get that footage via emulation, but anything from the Nintendo DS or 3DS is pretty much a no-go. It's a bummer, but Nintendo has just made it too darned difficult to record footage from those systems. :(

2. Specific requests are more likely to be picked than general ones!

I'll sometimes see submissions like "anything from ______" or "something from _____ series", and I appreciate that y'all are trying to give me some additional creative freedom! That said, I'm likely to pick someone else's more-specific request over these, just because the entire point of these patron-selected episodes is to talk about animations Y'ALL have picked. If I take that opportunity to pass over everyone else's requests and just do another topic I want, it kinda defeats the purpose.

3. Tightly-focused topics are more likely to get picked, too!

This is mostly just because I'm trying to be more disciplined about avoiding scope creep on these videos. If I can keep episodes manageable, I can finish them more often and give y'all even more opportunities to request topics!

But yeah, that's about it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. And have a great month!


Dallon Feldner

How about the supernova from Outer Wilds? Not exactly a character animation, but a really impactful effect.


One thing that I think might be neat to take a look at is the character idle animation in Bloodstained (or rather, transitioning in and out of it). Ask A Game Dev did a post on it a while back, but it'd be neat to see a more in depth discussion of what's going on there (plus it's a good excuse to get you to play Bloodstained!)