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At last, a rough cut of the next episode is complete!

It still needs a little work, of course:

  • it could use another editing polish pass
  • a lot of text and sprites still need animation
  • some video clips may get swapped out for better ones
  • it still needs an actual thumbnail
  • I need to update the patron list at the end

...but we're nearly there! This episode is a little different than what I've done before, so I'm excited to see how it's received. Enjoy the preview!


**WIP PREVIEW** How Has Pokemon's Battle Animation Evolved? - New Frame Plus



So far, its great. i feel the footage is really well varied and there are almost no repeated clips which is always a PLUS in my book. i just hope pichu doesn't end up as your punchline punching bag, i almost feel bad for the little guy.


It has taken me too long to watch that video. I gotta say it was very well done. You do a nice job breaking down the iteration changes and referring back to previous games where appropriate. Overall it looks really good I think. Just be careful of that scope creep yourself. 😛 Oh one thing I'd say you could do to drive home how flat the Pokémon kinda seem in battle is to allow down the footage a little bit, let it hasn't on screen too long. I know once you pointed out out I felt like every Pokémon looked very bland, but you could really drive that point home just a little more... Maybe... I'm not a professional