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The video is complete and released today! I hope you enjoy!


For a relatively short episode, this one actually proved quite challenging. I'm always very particular with these 12 Principles videos because I want them to be a good teaching resource, and Arcs can be a tricky principle to show visually. As a result, I spent like four full days just creating additional assets in an effort to demonstrate various points more clearly.

For example, I finally bit the bullet and learned enough After Effects to create some basic motion trails, which I think helps to make the arcs of human motion much easier to understand.

I was also having trouble thinking of how I was going to demonstrate the stuff about motion capture, so I went ahead and made my own examples for that too, retargeting a mocap run onto this free Zelda rig and making several variants.

The difference is even harder to see in 30fps gif form, but still. :P

I doubt this episode will do big viewership numbers (the 12 Principles videos never do), but I'm glad y'all voted for it! These are important basics to teach, and having videos covering these principles means I can just point to them whenever terms like "Arcs", "Anticipation", Timing", etc come up in other videos.

Welp, time to start on The Animation of Final Fantasy VI. I'm excited to dive in!



ARCS - The 12 Principles of Animation in Games

Let's talk about the 12 Principles of Animation! What are Arcs, and how have they been used in the animation of games like Nier Automata, Smash Bros, Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring? Support New Frame Plus on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/newframeplus ------- ▼PLAYLIST▼------- Watch the whole series! ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLugegG07di3886WYN6u7v9BeBd0VFG3_J -------- ▼LINKS▼-------- PATREON ► http://www.patreon.com/newframeplus BLUESKY ► https://bsky.app/profile/danfloydplus.bsky.social LET'S PLAY CHANNEL ► http://bit.ly/2lmGte8 -------- ▼CREDITS▼-------- Written and produced by Daniel Floyd Special thanks to: -Carrie Floyd -Soraya Een Hajji -Eric Luhta -Ryan Duffin -Andrew Butterfield -------- ▼MUSIC▼-------- ♪ "Sunsets and Seashells (9 PM)" by Ben Briggs, ectogemia https://benbriggs.bandcamp.com/track/sunsets-and-seashells-9-pm-2 ♪ "Legend of Lorule" by Mikel https://mikeljakobi.bandcamp.com/track/legend-of-lorule ♪ "Song of Time" by Bknapp https://bknapp.bandcamp.com/track/song-of-time-2 ♪ "Aquatic Ambiance" by Koreskape https://gamechops.com/aquatic-ambiance-koreskape/ ♪ "Ice Cave Chant" by arthur x medic, Ben Briggs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRphQSXa9Dk ♪ "Talus" by Mikel https://mikeljakobi.bandcamp.com/track/talus ♪ "Cerulean Dancefloor (Kevin Villecco Remix)" by RoBKTA, Kevin Villecco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXOlfI-G3ig -------- ▼CHAPTERS▼-------- 0:00 - Introduction 0:19 - Arcs 4:03 - Arcs in Game Animation 7:18 - Wrapping Up #animation #gamedev #newframeplus


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