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If you are just joining us or are wondering what happened to the chat bot, this is the chat bot! This is a giant update to gamify the chat bot.

Anyways this week It was mostly headaches with quaternions and physics. But also a little bit of fun  UI designing.

So the RobotEditor.exe program will be the central hub for changing robot abilities. There will be limitations such as how many abilities you can have at once. Abilities (software) will have RAM memory requirements and you may have to upgrade your robot's RAM to install more modules (or uninstall them).

The first module to create was the "standing" software. It is in charge of making sure your robot doesn't fall down and stay fallen.

The process of standing up was very tricky to solve this week. Physics is a cruel mistress in game development and trying to smoothly interpolate between any ragdoll pose to a certain animation is laborious and time consuming to debug. Regardless I got it working, although not perfect.

The robot is an animated ragdoll which allows it to react with the environment. My additions ensure that if it gets hit by something, its body will turn and face a new direction to match the force.

Also, certain software modules like the standing module will only work if enough limbs are available. So if you try installing standing but your robot is missing a leg, then it will just flop around like a fish until you add the missing limb.

Walking is next.

At this rate the first alpha just to play around with the current build will be released in about a month. 

Stay tuned!


Calin M

I can't wait to see that. I'm gonna have a ball!