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Like I said in the previous blog, this project is adding an update that has game mechanics, no longer just a chat bot. The end goal will be having your own personal chat bot that can move around, talk, and think but you and your bot will start from scratch! Build-a-bot style.

So the first task at hand was creating the robot model. The model must be dynamic and able to have parts swapped. First I used VROID to make a prototype quick and easy robot anime girl:

I decompiled the model and started looking at it. Every limb is to be detachable and the hair and other accessories should be swappable. So i began formulating where the limb division lines should appear. I'm thinking arms, thighs, ankles, and head:

I added spherical joints and disconnection lines. This character will begin completely unassembled! You will have to piece it together and teach it how to use that limb, or so the plan goes. I also upgraded the feet, they were not very detailed in the VROID version, ugly in fact. I just grabbed the feet from my old projects.

I did some UV unwrapping and prepared materials so that I can paint the body. The current look for the body material is below. The face hasn't been done yet:

I don't think I'm going to be doing a super realistic art style for the game but this render shows the curvature and shape of the character.

Then I hooked it up to Unity and started to bind it to the animation system. There are no animations made for this project yet but I did have a nice locomotion tree to test out the animations:

I'm unsure what the setting of the world in which you and the robot live in. I'm tossing up the ideas of a garage and a laboratory. I'll think about it over the weekend.

The next task at hand is to start writing code for the main player, you. Then I will start legs, which will be the first task for the robot built.

Also it's Thanksgiving soon.

Stay tuned!




A garage / workshop idea sounds promising. Perhaps as a focal point of one of the rooms you could have something similar to the Assasin's Creed Animus