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[ALERT] Server and website is currently down meaning updates and cards for older versions cannot be downloaded! It should be fixed sometime this week!

I did a lot of stress testing and making sure things work for this Monday the 23rd's Beta release. I have more behaviors that have been brought back and others that were improved.

To start, headpats were given a facelift for keyboard mode so they work properly and similar to v0.75:

There is also a new simple gesture for STOP that involves putting your hand out in a flat pose. This will make them stop in place if they are following you.

I'm also like 80% done bringing back the "GIVE" gesture so they'll be able to receive items again. Ignore the broken item hold, I was messing with stuff:

My plan for this beta is to be able to cook, feed, and put to sleep. Just to make a proper cycle of things to do.

Some other things I had to do was making the beds selectable for users. So now you can tell them to sleep manually like v0.8:

As most betas go I have serious reservations on the current player controller for keyboard as it feels pretty wonky and floppy. I put fixing it for a bit later as I had other things more important to fix.

I'm really trying to push out the game at this point because the sooner I push it out, the sooner others start to make mods and help me out with game development. About a month or so ago I said that v0.9 will release August 31st. However the date has been pushed and finalized to early October, just to give me a week to record all the massive amounts of new changes for a YouTube video. I am putting my foot down for this date. I do not want to delay it any further. v0.9 has taken a year to complete and I just need to push it out so it picks up mod support speed.

As I said previously there will be 2 last betas to test stuff out in. The next one is this Monday. The last one is uhh probably late next month. For the rest of the time till Monday I will be working purely on bugfixing and VR compatibility.

Stay tuned!




Question: will you be able to not have a player body? I FULLY understand the appeal of not only playing with cute anime grills but also being one but it is kind of jarring. Same issue with Boneworks imo.


Maybe. That's a very niche opinion but I'll keep that in mind. If anything you should be able to just mod it away. But the default will be a full body. I will have a default body so you aren't a female character though. I too don't want to default as someone of the opposite sex.


It's not the gender thing that's really the issue for me. It's the disconnect between body and movement. If you take a game like Viva Project, boneworks, or any other VR game where you have a "player body" and you move around while looking down. Seeing your body move/ make movements while also standing still can be kind of a mind freak. If not an option I'm sure someone will mod it so it's no big deal, was just curious.